When Do People Get a Financial Advisor?

When Do People Get a Financial Advisor

No two clients are exactly alike. People generally get a financial advisor for a number of reasons. Therefore, you need a flexible process in place when it comes to approaching different prospects in accordance with their reasons for seeking financial advice.

Here are some cases when people get a financial advisor, along with their reasons for doing so and some recommendations on moving things forward.

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Three Things That Clients Often Do – Even Though They Shouldn’t

Three Things That Clients Often Do – Even Though They Shouldn’t

During your career, you’ll find over and over again that emotions cloud clients’ investment decisions – clients are not always inclined to act in their own best interests. At times like these you need to step in and be a behavior coach for them – otherwise they’ll end up regretting their decisions down the line.

Here are three things that clients want to do – but shouldn’t, and how to counter them.

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How to Explain to Prospects They Should Invest Now

How to Explain to Your Prospect They Should Invest Now

As you know better than I, clients are always looking for a more convenient time to invest. There’s always something to do – like buy a new car, redo the home, whatever it is.

The time to invest is now – we can’t put it off.

* This podcast originally appeared on Don Connelly 24/7. Click the play button or read the transcript below.

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