Top 10 Most Popular Posts on Don Connelly’s Blog in 2014

Top 10 Most Popular Posts on Don Connelly's Blog in 2014

We at Don Connelly & Associates had a great year in helping Financial Advisors and Sales Professionals deliver great performance day in and day out. We’d like to thank you for being loyal readers of Don’s blog and letting him help you grow your businesses. As we are constantly trying to come up with interesting pieces of advice on soft skills and hard skills to help Financial Advisors ignite their business, here’s a quick roundup of the 10 most popular posts in the year 2014:

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3 Prospecting Tips You Might not Like but Should Embrace

3 Prospecting Tips You Might not Like but Should Embrace

Out of all your daily tasks, prospecting will bring you the biggest rewards. It will open doors, get you new accounts and increase your assets. Unfortunately many advisors see prospecting as one of the least enjoyable parts of the job. But don’t put off prospecting, it’s something you have to do. It is the one thing you can’t delegate.

As you get better at prospecting you will start to enjoy it more. Here are three ways to help you get more comfortable with prospecting.

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Looking Back on 2014

Looking Back on 2014

Thank you.

Your support means the world to everyone here at Don Connelly & Associates. Without you, there is no learning center. Your loyalty is not taken for granted.

2014 was a learning year for me, as I’m sure it was for you. I remember Bob Dunwoody once described himself as a student-teacher. He said he learns as much from Advisors as he teaches them. I know what he means.

It was also a year of observation.

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How Consistency Will Help You Become an Elite Advisor

The behavior of elite Advisors is consistent. They come up with good ideas and they stick with them. They do something for a long enough time to know if it works. That’s precisely why what they do is so easily measurable.

This type of behavior is mandatory for those who wish to build a business in a dependable manner.

It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of average Advisors because their behavior is less consistent. We might try seminars this quarter and if we don’t see results in ninety days, we’ll try a referral campaign. If that doesn’t work next quarter, we’ll try something else. We don’t do something for a long enough time to measure results. Without clearly delineated goals, accountability becomes elusive.

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4 Things Elite Advisors Do that Average Advisors Don’t Do

4 Things Elite Advisors Do that Average Advisors Don't Do

This is a guest post by Don Connelly published on the website of FA Magazine earlier this week.

Elite Advisors are not born elite. They ply their craft for years, making mistakes and learning from them.

Once such mistake is to assume that numbers matter. Newer Advisors talk about the numbers because that’s the focus of our training. We have to learn our products and processes and we have to pass the tests. When we get in the field, we naturally lead with what we know.

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What Elite Advisors Do That Average Advisors Don’t Do

Center Stage with Don Connelly and Richard Capalbo - What Elite Advisors Do that Average Advisors Don'd Do

What Elite Advisors Do That Average Advisors Don’t Do

I am happy to report that our webinars keep growing in size and popularity. On November 5, 2014, we had several hundred Advisors join in to listen to words of wisdom from Richard Capalbo. Richard was so scintillating that the questions poured in at the end.

Richard told the participants that he intended to focus on three main topics:

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