5 Tactics to Get Prospects off The Fence

5 Tactics to Get Prospects off The Fence

Breaking a prospect’s apathy is difficult.

Telling someone to invest or think long term is like telling someone to be patient. And telling someone to be patient simply doesn’t work. Instead you need to ‘teach’ prospects what long term investing really means. Use stories and analogies to stir emotions, curb their impatience and give them reasons to invest. Here are five ways you can do that and help prospects get off the fence.

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How to Get Prospects Off The Fence

How to Get Prospects Off The Fence

When a prospect turns around and says he or she needs to think things over they’re likely basing their indecision on fear or laziness. Maybe they’re fearful about the shaky economy, distrustful about paying you a fee, or just simply don’t want to leave their comfort zone. All their ‘reasons’, however, are based on emotion – and to break this inertia, you need to use techniques that will motivate them to act.

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6 Steps to Help Create Urgency with Prospects

6 Steps to Help Create Urgency with Prospects

Creating urgency with prospects is a crucial yet often overwhelming obstacle for many advisors. The problem is how to get prospects to act, rather than deliberate and how to react when a prospect says ‘I’ll get back to you’ or ‘I need to think about it’. It’s essential to have a strategy in place for getting prospects off the fence – otherwise your business will go nowhere. Here are some practical ways you can help initiate this process.

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