What's New on Don Connelly 24/7 in August 2014

What’s New on Don Connelly 24/7 in August

This is the new post in our blog series “What’s New on Don Connelly 24/7“. We recap new video and audio podcasts, Weekly Focus issues, the Monthly Newsletter, and...


Make the Most when You Hire Someone

Make the Most out of Your Hiring

Last month, I wrote about the importance of putting together an effective team. The key to doing that is to hire the right people. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? It’s...


Am I oversimplifying things? - AskDON episode

Are You Good at Dealing with Difficult Clients?

Difficult clients are not unique. Every Advisor has encountered or will encounter obstreperous personalities. There are many reasons why clients become difficult. Let’s make this easy and say we...

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