Sociability Is the Skill of Interacting Well with Others

Social Skills for Financial Advisors

The definition of sociability sounds mild: the quality or state of being sociable. The significance of sociability is anything but.

Sociability spawns likeability and likeability cannot be overstated in a business based on strong relationships.

People do business with people they like. An Advisor who does not have good social skills is probably not going to be likeable; and Advisors who are not likeable don’t last too long. They just don’t interact well.

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Can Charisma Be Learned?

Don Connelly audio podcast

Charismatic Financial Advisors are great communicators. They connect on an emotional level. They get people to buy in, to believe. Just imagine that you alone can make someone act and feel a certain way. No other Advisor lights up a room the way you do. Just being near you makes people feel important. That’s charisma. You would be untouchable if you had tons of charisma. Can you learn how to acquire charisma?

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