How to Help Clients Make Good Decisions

How to Help Clients Make Good Decisions

Your job is as much about managing relationships as it is about managing money. You need to establish close ties with your clients so you can become a positive influence in their lives over the long term. Unless you can steer your clients into making good decisions you not only risk losing them as clients – but you are doing them a disfavor – because you are allowing them to make potentially disastrous financial decisions.

Here are a few things you can do to influence your clients’ decisions positively.

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Two Things Never Change for Financial Advisors

Financial Advisors - Focus on Twi Things

As a Financial Advisor, you share a common concern with the wholesalers who call on you. You don’t control your distribution and they don’t control theirs. You can’t force your clients to act any more than a wholesaler can force you to act. As well, neither you nor the wholesaler has control over the landscape. Most of what affects how and what you do is in some else’s hand, be it the stock market, the economy or interest rates. And most of what affects you is in a constant state of change.

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How Valuable Are You?

How Valuable Are You to Your Clients

Doing your job, even doing it well, will not set you apart. You will stand apart when you are known for doing more than is expected of you. Every Advisor’s wish is to be highly valued by his or her clients. How, then, do we make the relationship valuable in the eyes of the client?

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