How to Keep Clients Motivated and Stop Them from Making Bad Decisions

How to Keep Clients Motivated and Stop Them from Making Bad Decisions

According to leading psychologist Danial Kahneman, people often form responses instinctively – accepting the first judgement that comes to mind. When left to own devices, we’re apt to make poor decisions based on fallacies or personal biases. And this is never truer than when it comes to investing.

The greatest challenge faced by any financial advisor is that of keeping clients invested for the long term. When the markets are down clients become anxious – they instinctively want to move their money out. Alternatively, they may want to start chasing ‘hot stocks’ in a bid to boost performance. Either way, they’re at risk of abandoning their long-term financial plan.

It’s your job to step into the breach and stop clients from making bad decisions. You need to act quickly to keep them invested.

Here’s how to stop clients from making bad decisions and help them stick to the plan – no matter what the market conditions are.

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