What Happens When You Lack Accountability?

What Happens When You Lack Accountability

It’s essential to acknowledge that you alone are responsible for your success as a financial advisor and this means you must be accountable. If you’re not accountable you will never feel in control of your destiny or understand how to turn things around if they take a downturn. No matter how smart or talented you are, if you lack accountability you will not develop the self-discipline you need to change your outcomes for the better.

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Don’t Feel Guilty About Not Being Perfect

Don’t Feel Guilty About Not Being Perfect

There will be times when you get it wrong. Car mechanics and even doctors don’t get it right all the time and neither will you. Mistakes are easy to make and inevitable. As markets get more and more complex the chances of getting things wrong increase even more, and the longer you’re in business the more times you will be wrong.

But never see this as failure. Accept mistakes as part of life and keep on track by not feeling guilty. If you are doing everything you can with everything you’ve got you are a winner so you have nothing to feel guilty about.

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What’s New on Don Connelly 24/7 in March

What's New Don Connelly 24/7 March 2014

This blog post series is the answer to Financial Advisors’ emails – an easy way to track what’s new on our members’ website Don Connelly 24/7 without actually being a member.

You won’t be able to access the details of each new premium content item like podcasts and newsletters, but you will know what topics Don discusses, what questions he answers, what issues he is helping with through the learning center each month.

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