What to Look for in an Accountability Partner

What to Look for in an Accountability Partner

Unsuccessful advisors may dream of success but they can’t seem to commit to or stick with their ideas. They tend to procrastinate or spend their time struggling to discern between high and low priority tasks. Successful advisors on the other hand have a clear roadmap incorporating concrete goals and they consistently hit their targets. They have discovered the art of “accountability”.

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What Happens When You Lack Accountability?

What Happens When You Lack Accountability

It’s essential to acknowledge that you alone are responsible for your success as a financial advisor and this means you must be accountable. If you’re not accountable you will never feel in control of your destiny or understand how to turn things around if they take a downturn. No matter how smart or talented you are, if you lack accountability you will not develop the self-discipline you need to change your outcomes for the better.

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5 Reasons to Be an Accountable Financial Advisor

5 Reasons to Be an Accountable Financial Advisor

Many advisors know ‘what’ they do, but they don’t know what they ‘need to do’ to achieve their goals, and enjoy real success. They leave their potential undeveloped. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how confident you are or how much you care about your clients, you will find success elusive, unless you become accountable. Accountability is the secret to your success and here’s why.

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There Is a Shortage of Accountability – Be Responsible

Don Connelly audio blog post

Your clients will love you if you insist on being accountable for your own actions. Your clients look to you as a leader. They depend upon you to lead them to their goals safely and on time.

One of the key components of leadership is accountability.

If you hold yourself accountable for everything you say and do, people will respond favorably. It is so refreshing to hear someone take responsibility for his or her own actions.

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Your Goal Today Is to Get an Appointment

Your Goal Today Is to Get an Appointment

What’s so magical about having goals? It’s not so much that we don’t achieve them. It’s that we too often conveniently forget we even have them. With or without goals, we still go in and chip away day after day. Not having goals is not going to cause us to skip a day. I work hard with or without goals. What’s the big deal?

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