How Financial Advisors Can Establish Trust in a Virtual World

Hire Don Connelly for a Timely & Crucial Onsite or Virtual Live Presentation that Will Give Financial Advisors the Tools They Need to Thrive in a Virtual, Two-dimensional World

This timely presentation will assist Advisors to establish trust with prospective and current clients in our new world where face-to-face meetings are rarely conducted.
During the presentation, Don Connelly will give you a step-by-step guide for building trust and explain the various levels of trust you must surmount while doing business virtually.
This is a crucial and timely presentation for Financial Advisors who struggle to adapt to the new rules of doing business in a virtual world.

Email us to discuss hiring Don for this presentation

Throughout your career, you’ve worked face-to-face with your clients. You’ve shared your thoughts and emotions with movements and expressions. Your physical presence has always been a huge asset. Your reality has always been three-dimensional.

That is not the reality of a virtual environment. We judge and are judged differently in this type of world.

Imagine walking around a tree. You can see the height; you can see the width and you can see the depth. You can see and feel the majesty of the tree. Now look on your laptop at a picture of a tree. You can see the height and width but you cannot see the depth. Something’s missing. You’ve lost part of your ability to fully feel the tree’s full majesty.

Your challenge is similar.

During this presentation Don Connelly will give you the tools you need to thrive in this two-dimensional, virtual world.

During the presentation you will learn:

We all want to become great at establishing the trust needed to grow our businesses, attract new clients and gather assets in a virtual environment. We want people to like us, trust us and think we are smart. We want to develop great phone skills and great teleconferencing skills. We want to be great at prospecting, asking for referrals, overcoming objections, asking for commitments, all without being physically present.

You can reach the highest level of trust over the phone and in a teleconference. Don has done it and during this presentation he’ll show you how to do it too.

If you think this presentation would be of value to your firm, please call 941.346.1166 or fill in this form to get in touch, discuss the details and schedule a date for a presentation. And, if you’d like to discuss having Don present to your Clients, he has a separate, crucial and timely message for them as well.

About Don Connelly

Don Connelly’s career on Wall Street spans more than 50 years and today he is one of the most successful speakers in the Financial Advisory industry. Don Connelly educates, entertains and motivates audiences; more importantly – he inspires financial Advisors to achieve great accomplishments through mastering the conversational tools and soft skills that allow financial professionals to communicate with their clients in a totally confident, straightforward and understandable way.

Don’s mission for financial professionals is profound, yet simple:

The more successful we become the further we get away from the basics that made us successful in the first place. Learn to do something right and then do it right every single time.

What Financial Advisors Say about Don Connelly’s Training

Don, I sincerely cannot thank you enough. You played a major role in helping me become a successful FA 25 years ago. It’s was a true pleasure to hear you today and have you as a special guest for our meeting today. Thank you and please stay in touch.

I had the pleasure of attending your Jackson virtual meeting this past week and I salute you. Fabulous hour or so and I cannot wait till you appear again. Thank you.

You have my eternal gratitude for making my business successful. Thank you again for your contribution to this great business. I am confident that you have touched and improved endless number of lives.

Don, thank you for all your support over the years. You have had a major impact on the way I approach my meetings and presentations. In short…..”Game Changer.

Hi Ellen, I just wanted to reach out and thank you for inviting me to the call last week with Don Connelly. I have been on many calls during this time and I found this call the most informative and by far the best use of my time. And I hope you let Don know how much I appreciate his insights as well. Have a great day and stay safe.

I have to say you have been an inspiration to me over my career. I always look to your stories to lift me through the bad times and keep me charged during the good ones. Keep up the good work. It works!

Thank you for the many years of inspiration. You have been a driving force in my business for years.

The Don of forthright, practical, time tested and market proven financial advice training. Full of one liners; totally authentic. Love it.

All our services, workshops & training programs are designed to be compelling, easily implemented and results driven to help Financial Professionals become more successful and thus, more profitable. ☛ Click to learn more.

Fill in the form below to get in touch to discuss hiring Don Connelly for a presentation to give Financial Advisors the tools they need to thrive in a virtual, two-dimensional world.
