Top 10 Posts Financial Advisors Read the Most on Our Blog in 2018

Top 10 Posts Financial Advisors Read the Most on Our Blog in 2018

As 2018 is coming to an end, we decided to do a quick recap of the top 10 posts that thousands of Financial Advisors and Wholesalers read on our blog throughout the year. They are on various topics – from practice building, to prospecting and relationship building, to establishing trust and storytelling.

We hope this quick recap will help you finish the year strong and give you some pointers on how to improve your practice in 2019. Enjoy!

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5 Stories to Develop Strong Relationships with Clients Based on Trust and Likeability

5 Stories to Develop Strong Relationships with Clients Based on Trust and Likeability

The best way to initiate a strong relationship with clients is to tell them stories. People don’t need to have a ton of data thrown at them in the first meeting. They will be more interested in whether they like and trust you. Forget the numbers and pie charts, and use your personal stories and experiences to help you establish trust and likeability in the minds of your prospects. Here are five such stories to get you started.

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5 Ways Storytelling Helps Financial Advisors Succeed

5 Ways Storytelling Helps Financial Advisors Succeed

Think about the last “Great Presentation” you attended, where you felt as if the speaker was speaking your mind. How did this experience make you feel about the presenter?

Did you think he or she was so smart? Were you moved to ask for their business card or connect over LinkedIn? Or maybe you just walked up to say how much you loved their presentation? When you went back home, did you share your experience with someone?

For a truly great presentation, I believe the answer to at least one of these questions would be a “Yes”.

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