Why Is Online Reputation Important for Your Success as a Financial Advisor

Why Is Online Reputation Important for Your Success as a Financial Advisor

As Don Connelly always says, only three things must take place for you to get a new client: that person must like you, trust you and think you are smart. But how could prospects like you, trust you and think you are smart if they never met you? How do you come across as likeable, trustworthy and smart if you have no prior relationship with them?

The answer lies in your online reputation.

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6 Tactics for Financial Advisors to Improve Social Media Efforts

6 Tactics for Financial Advisors to Improve Social Media Efforts

Social media marketing has made its way in the Financial Services industry, too. A lot of investors, especially Gen X and Y, are actively using social media platforms to help them make investment decisions. A lot of Financial Advisors and Wealth Managers have reported increase in their assets by meeting prospective clients through social networks. So don’t hold yourself back – get social! Here is a list of 6 tactics to get started and improve your social media marketing efforts:

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Where Does Social Media Fit in Your Financial Advisor Practice

Where Does Social Media Fit In Your Financial Advsor Practice

Every time advisers discuss passionately that a certain marketing method is dead, or that a new type is the “new thing” I am reminded of the royal decree that occurs when a monarch dies:

The king is dead, long live the king

This refers to the instant succession that occurs in a monarchy – as one King dies the next in line immediately becomes the King.

Marketing professional services is simply not like that at all.

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