In collaboration with Bibi Ohlsson, CEO & Founder of Evoking Excellence , Don Connelly & Associates offers a Virtual Accountability Partner Program (VAP), combining leading-edge technology tools with a highly accessible one-on-one coaching process. The Virtual Accountability Partner Program provides continuity for learning, change and growth at any time from any place.

Perfect for Advisors, Wholesalers or Managers. Participants are provided with a robust on-line Accountability Partner Portal that:

  • Allows them to set their own goals and subsequent action plans, due dates and tracking metrics
  • Allows them access to easily communicate with their coach whenever it is convenient for them
  • Helps to measure their results through the metrics they establish.

Brief communication is encouraged daily, with weekly follow-ups and check-in. The Virtual Accountability Partner program is designed to help professionals tap into their full potential by providing them with an accountability partner – one with a proven method of accountability coaching.

Learn more about VAP program now!
