Brian is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of a Consulting Firm called Ambassadors International. He is a well-known consultant, author and speaker with over 17 years in the Advisory and Investment Marketplace. Brian has gained rare and valuable experience as a successful Advisor, Owner, Wholesaler and M&A/ Recruiting expert. His specialty is helping firms of all sizes grow top line revenue by creating what Brian calls Relationship Momentum™.

Inflection Points – The Science of Relational Milestones

Relationship Momentum Book Cover

I have had the pleasure of working with Financial Advisers for a number of years and I don’t think it is a secret that the strength of an adviser’s practice is measured in the quality and quite often, the profitability of his or her relationships.

No matter the endeavor, we are always in the pursuit of gaining Trust, Value and Momentum for our Relationships. There is certainly an Art and Science to creating Relational Momentum and today, we will take a look at the Science through Relational Milestones, or as I like to call them, Inflection Points!

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