/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
It can be tricky determining how often to contact your clients. While regular communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship, calling clients every week or month probably isn’t feasible.
At the outset, aim to understand each client’s preferences and their expectations communication-wise and make sure it fits your business plan. Some clients will be more interested in the investment process per se and will want to hear your thoughts and recommendations on a more regular basis. You may also find that as time goes on and your clients learn to trust you, they will be more relaxed and require fewer calls.
However, there are certain times when calling your clients is the right thing to do regardless of any prior agreement. Here are some key occasions when you should pick up the phone and speak to clients.
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How Do Clients Choose a Financial Advisor?
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
If you don’t know what’s going on in a client’s mind when they’re choosing a financial advisor, you won’t be able to present yourself in a way that meets their needs. And you won’t get selected.
So let’s take a look at some of the things likely to be on a client’s mind when they’re looking for an advisor…
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6 Reasons Why You Should Develop a Succession Plan This Week
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Your ultimate success depends on your ability to create and maintain long-term relationships – relationships that are built on trust. If you want clients to trust you, they need to know you will be there for the rest of their lives. So, let them know you will put their interests above yours: Let them know that you have a succession plan.
Here are 6 reasons why you should have a succession plan in place.
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If You Try to Be Perfect, You Will Always Fall Short
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Don’t constantly strive for perfection. You will never achieve it. It will simply waste your energy and make you miserable. Instead, focus on what is achievable.
Sharpen your best skills and qualities so you can showcase them to clients and prospects. Practice them over and over until you get things right every time. Don’t dwell on what you’re not so good at.
Here are some ways to forget perfection and strive for excellence.
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New Advisors: Learning to Cope with These Five Things Will Help You Persevere
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Outstanding advisors possess sustainability; they have the ability to overcome mental and emotional obstacles in a way that average advisors can’t. Simply passing the relevant exams won’t help you develop these coping skills – they don’t get taught in training. So, if you too want to reach the top of your profession, you’ll need to develop a tough mindset and overcome difficulties that others cannot.
Here are five things you’ll frequently encounter in your practice that you need to cope with to stay the course.
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The Greatest Challenge Any Client (and Therefore You) Will Ever Face
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
Sticking with the plan despite tough market conditions is the greatest challenge both you and your clients will face. That sudden drop in cabin pressure when the markets fall is the acid test of your relationship building skills. If you aren’t prepared ahead of time, neither will your clients be.
Whether your clients will stay the distance depends on you.
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Four Common Client Objections and How to Counter Them
/ by Don Connelly / Presentation Skills / 0 comments
There’s so much uncertainty surrounding investing that people postpone the decision. Clients and prospects can think of a multitude of reasons not to invest: Whether it’s tax time, retirement looks too far away or they want to buy a new car or kitchen.
However, when clients say they’ll ‘think it over’ it doesn’t mean they’ve found a good reason to delay investing; perhaps it means they don’t trust you enough yet, perhaps they don’t understand what you said or perhaps you simply haven’t convinced them to act. So how do you get them to do the right thing and start securing their financial futures?
Here are some common objections you’ll face – and how to answer them.
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How to Develop a Repeatable Process
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
If you want to make your life easier and become a truly elite advisor, make sure you have repeatable processes in place. This especially applies to tasks such as prospecting, presenting, following up and servicing your accounts. Remember: Repeatable processes produce repeatable results so make your goal consistency, not perfection.
In this post we’ll look at some practical steps you can take to incorporate repeatable processes into your working life.
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5 Reasons to Always Strive for Excellence
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
If you want to become an elite advisor, you need to strive for excellence in everything you do. And this requires an outstanding work ethic. Great advisors ply their trade until they become proficient. They understand that striving for excellence is an ongoing process; that there’s always room for self-improvement and it is excellence that will separate you from non-achievers. Here are some reasons to develop the habit of excellence.
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Help Clients Understand Why They’re Paying You a Fee
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
Before you can convince your clients of your worth, you need to convince yourself of your own value. Always remember your fees reflect the five-star service you can offer. That’s what makes you stand out in an increasingly commoditized industry.
Here are some ways to help you communicate your value – both to yourself and to your clients.
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When to Call Clients to Keep Your Relationship Strong
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
It can be tricky determining how often to contact your clients. While regular communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship, calling clients every week or month probably isn’t feasible.
At the outset, aim to understand each client’s preferences and their expectations communication-wise and make sure it fits your business plan. Some clients will be more interested in the investment process per se and will want to hear your thoughts and recommendations on a more regular basis. You may also find that as time goes on and your clients learn to trust you, they will be more relaxed and require fewer calls.
However, there are certain times when calling your clients is the right thing to do regardless of any prior agreement. Here are some key occasions when you should pick up the phone and speak to clients.
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