Don A. Connelly is a speaker, motivator and educator for financial advisors. During a career of more than 40 years on Wall Street, he worked for nearly 19 years as company spokesperson, senior vice president and senior marketing officer for Putnam Investments, in addition to holding positions as a stock broker, financial planner, branch manager, wholesaler and national sales manager. As founder and CEO of Don Connelly 24/7, he provides timely and provocative sales ideas to thousands of financial professionals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Financial Advisors Who Lack These Soft Skills Often Fail

Financial Advisors Who Lack These Soft Skills Often Fail

The ability to master soft skills is key to your future success as a Financial Advisor. In fact, it’s easily as important as how much technical knowledge you have. However, advisors often struggle to develop the key soft skills required to build relationships with prospects and clients – and consequently their business suffers.

Perfecting your soft skills should be your number one priority. This post will help remind you to get back to the basics by focusing on five soft skills that could make or break your business.

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How Do I Get People to Call Me Back?

Don Connelly audio podcast

I heard this great question from Jesse in Grand Rapids. Jesse said he was having difficulty getting people to return his calls, after supposedly thinking about his proposal. He meets with prospects and makes his presentation. They say “Let me think it over, I’ll give you a call” and they never do. After some time has passed, he calls them and leaves messages but they never return his calls. Why is that?

Listen to Don’s answer to this question or read the transcript.

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Why Being a Good Advisor Is No Longer Enough to Succeed

Why Being a Good Advisor Is No Longer Enough to Succeed

Few industries have become as commoditized as the financial services industry. It’s become more and more common to see a personal touch replaced by ‘cookie-cutter’ automated solutions.
On the bright side it’s clear that technology cannot replace the service of a really great financial advisor. Clients still crave advice that’s customized. They need the services of an advisor who can look at the ‘big picture’ and understand the complexities of their lives in terms of their aspirations, family and careers.
If you want to succeed you need to be more than ‘good enough’. You need to prove you are prepared to go that extra mile and provide a service that’s above and beyond your clients’ expectations.
How do you get to become an Elite rather than a “good” Advisor?

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Formula for Success in Prospecting for Financial Advisors – Revealed

Formula for Success in Prospecting for Financial Advisors – Revealed

To succeed as a financial advisor, you must have plenty of prospective clients in the pipeline. Ideally your appointment book should be full to bursting. This means you need to prospect as many people as possible. However, reaching out indiscriminately is unlikely to get you many appointments or win you profitable new clients. To ensure your prospecting activity pays off you need to refine your approach and target prospects who meet your criteria and are therefore more likely to convert. Your formula for success in prospecting lies between calling everyone and being too discerning.

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To Excel as a Financial Advisor, You must Motivate Yourself and Stay Motivated

Motivate Yourself and Stay Motivated to Excel as a Financial Advisor

When you are at your most vulnerable, you cannot let it show. You must remain strong for the simple reason that the more uncertain the times, the more certainty clients will demand from you. Your equity is your relationships with your clients. It is imperative that you always do what is right, in order to preserve those relationships. If you get down, motivate yourself right back up.

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Is Cold Calling Still an Effective Prospecting Method for Financial Advisors?

Is Cold Calling Still an Effective Prospecting Method for Financial Advisors?

Technology and the ‘no-call’ rules have changed habits when it comes to cold calling. It’s no longer seen as the ‘go-to’ method for prospecting, with social media, the internet and networking often seen as better ways to reach out to new clients. But there are good reasons why cold calling – when done correctly – is a quality tool and why it should be a necessary and permanent part of your business.

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The Five Soft Skills Financial Advisors Must Have to Succeed

The Five Soft Skills Financial Advisors Must Have to Succeed

The development of an excellent soft skillset is crucial to your success as a financial advisor. You can find technical knowledge in any book, but practical knowledge involves ‘being’ rather than ‘knowing’, ‘practicing’ rather than ‘being taught’. Soft skills are absorbed through years of experience.

To develop great soft skills, practice them every day, hone them and never give up the quest for perfection.

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What If Clients’ Sentimental Equity Holding Doesn’t Match Their Risk Tolerance?

Don Connelly audio blog post

Today I’d like to share with you an email I received a while ago from Mike at Edward Jones. ¨What is the best way for an FA to approach a client about an equity holding that has sentimental value to the client but does not fit their risk tolerance? I have a 75-year old widow with over 50% of her net worth in Disney stock. I also have a widow who inherited her husband’s IRA at another firm. She had no idea what was in it, it was with an advisor she doesn’t know. Turns out it is 60% in aggressive investments, but she still wants to keep it there. Help.¨Listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript.

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What’s Most Important for Client Retention?

What's Most Important for Customer Retention

Client loyalty is getting harder than ever to achieve. Clients are bombarded with options when it comes to financial advice and they know they can switch to another advisor in the blink of an eye if they are dissatisfied. So it’s essential to understand how to ensure your clients remain loyal and stick with you for the long term.

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