Changing Negative Perceptions and Attitudes as a Financial Advisor

Changing Negative Perceptions and Attitudes as a Financial Advisor

Most people become financial advisors because it is one of the more rewarding careers, indeed in terms of monetary rewards, but also working in the service of others to help them achieve financial security and long-term prosperity. However, many advisors struggle with aspects of their job that can lead to self-doubt, hesitation, and guilt.

These negative emotions often stem from deep-rooted perceptions and attitudes that can negatively impact client relationships and hinder professional growth. For example, for experienced advisors who become good at what they do, the job gets easier—almost too easy.

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Best Referral Sources for Financial Advisors

Best Referral Sources for Financial Advisors

Any financial advisor who’s been in business for more than a minute knows the best way to grow a practice is through referrals. We’re taught from the very beginning that the best source of quality referrals is from clients. Advisors who focus on differentiating themselves by delivering exceptional, highly personalized services to their clients are often rewarded with referrals.

But clients aren’t the only source of referrals. Many highly successful advisors create a comprehensive referral marketing strategy that taps multiple sources. While building a fruitful referral network can take time and effort, it is the one sure way to establish a steady stream of qualified prospects.

Here are five of the best referral sources financial advisors can develop.

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Clients not Giving You Referrals? Here’s Why That May Be

Clients not Giving You Referrals - Here's Why That May Be

We devote a lot of space here on how to generate referrals, and with good reason. Generating quality referrals is critical to building a sustainable and profitable practice. Many of our articles address the ‘how,’ even addressing how to overcome the reluctance to ask for referrals. Based on my decades of experience, I’m confident that advisors who study those articles and incorporate the tips and practices into their process can generate more referrals.

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How to Get More Unsolicited Referrals from Clients

How to Get More Unsolicited Referrals from Clients

Ask any successful advisor what the key to their success is, and they’ll tell you—referrals. You can’t grow a profitable practice without a steady stream of referrals. When you ask for and receive a referral, it’s an indication that you impressed your client enough to act on your request. But what if you didn’t have to ask for referrals? What if your clients were so impressed with you that they took the time to share their experience with someone without you having to ask?

You know what that feels like if it’s happened to you. But, for many advisors, it happens so rarely that it’s a major shock when it does. So, how do you make it happen consistently enough to make it an expectation?

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3 Situations When Financial Advisors Should Use a Prospecting Script

3 Situations When Financial Advisors Should Use a Prospecting Script

If you’re like most financial advisors, you probably started out with a phone script, whether calling strangers, LinkedIn contacts or referrals. Prospecting scripts are critical for new advisors because they help them keep organized and stay on track for the brief time they have in that first interaction. No doubt, using phone scripts can serve inexperienced advisors well if they work at it. They can also make experienced advisors even more effective when used in certain circumstances.

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Why You Shouldn’t Be Apologetic when Asking for Business or Referrals

Why You Shouldn’t Be Apologetic when Asking for Business or Referrals

For many financial advisors, that moment right before asking a prospect to take action on a recommendation or, in sales parlance, asking for the order is filled with tension. It can be more stressful when asking for referrals. Less seasoned advisors are often overcome with the fear of rejection, which is natural until you’ve developed more confidence in your ability to close. That comes with practice and experience.

The bigger problem is with advisors who, for whatever reason, approach that critical moment feeling apologetic—as if asking a client for a referral or a prospect to act on their recommendation may seem offensive. It’s a bigger problem because it stems from a mindset that can be more difficult to overcome. It demonstrates a lack of conviction in what they are proposing or, worse, in what they do for a living. They’re not convinced they are providing genuine value. If you don’t believe in yourself at that moment, how can you expect your prospect to have conviction in your solution or your client to believe in you when you ask for a referral?

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11 Best Practices for Gathering Referrals

11 Best Practices for Gathering Referrals

People trust recommendations from people they know, and the lifetime value of a new referral customer is higher than of a client acquired in another way. Despite this, advisors shy away from asking for referrals – citing that to be one of their most awkward tasks.

The good news is that, if asked at the right time, most clients would be happy to advocate on your behalf. Less than a third of advisors ever ask though. Don’t act like the majority – because referrals are at the core of growing your business.

In this post we’ll look at some best practices for gathering referrals.

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Why You Need a Referral Strategy and How to Develop One

Why You Need a Referral Strategy and How to Develop One

Many advisors are uncomfortable asking clients outright for referrals, finding it hard to strike a balance between being aboveboard about wanting to acquire new business and being pushy or needy.

If that sounds like you, then you need to change your mindset because there are only three ways to gather new clients: From existing clients, people you know who are not yet clients, and people you don’t know yet. The best way by far to find new clients is via referrals.

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New Advisors: Learning to Cope with These Five Things Will Help You Persevere

New Advisors - Learning to Cope with These Five Things Will Help You Persevere

Outstanding advisors possess sustainability; they have the ability to overcome mental and emotional obstacles in a way that average advisors can’t. Simply passing the relevant exams won’t help you develop these coping skills – they don’t get taught in training. So, if you too want to reach the top of your profession, you’ll need to develop a tough mindset and overcome difficulties that others cannot.

Here are five things you’ll frequently encounter in your practice that you need to cope with to stay the course.

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