4 More Things That Could Get You Stuck in a Rut

4 More Things That Could Get You Stuck in a Rut

In a previous post we outlined four things that could get you stuck in a rut. Here are four more – along with some recommendations on how to get your business moving forward again.

1. Thinking you don’t need help

If you think you don’t need help in building your business, think again. Over time you will eventually work out how to do things on your own – but why waste time? With help you’ll get there far quicker.

As the ancient Chinese proverb says – if you want to know the road ahead, ask those coming back.

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5 Costly Mistakes That Could Lose You Clients

5 Costly Mistakes That Could Lose You Clients

When a client takes you on, they’ve decided they’re comfortable getting into a long-term relationship with you – and that’s a huge compliment. If you want to retain them, you must work hard to maintain the integrity of that relationship over the long term.

Don’t make one of these errors, or you could end up in the firing line.

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