Decoding Doubt: 6 Non-Verbal Cues Clients Might Be Giving You That Signal a Trust Deficit

Decoding Doubt - 6 Non-Verbal Cues Clients Might Be Giving You That Signal a Trust Deficit

Trust is the bedrock of any successful financial advisor-client relationship. But how do you know if a client truly trusts you, especially when they might not explicitly say it? Beyond the spoken word, clients often communicate their feelings through non-verbal cues. Learning to recognize these subtle signals can help advisors address underlying concerns and build stronger, more trusting relationships.

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Why It’s Critical to Have a Well-Conceived, Repeatable Advisor Onboarding Process

Why It's Critical to Have a Well-Conceived, Repeatable Advisor Onboarding Process

It is well-established in the financial advisory industry that the client onboarding process is crucial to building profitable, long-term relationships. When done poorly, you’ll likely see clients heading for the exits leaving you with thinning profit margins and a tarnished reputation. For the same reasons, onboarding advisors is equally critical for financial advisors looking to […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Be Apologetic when Asking for Business or Referrals

Why You Shouldn’t Be Apologetic when Asking for Business or Referrals

For many financial advisors, that moment right before asking a prospect to take action on a recommendation or, in sales parlance, asking for the order is filled with tension. It can be more stressful when asking for referrals. Less seasoned advisors are often overcome with the fear of rejection, which is natural until you’ve developed more confidence in your ability to close. That comes with practice and experience.

The bigger problem is with advisors who, for whatever reason, approach that critical moment feeling apologetic—as if asking a client for a referral or a prospect to act on their recommendation may seem offensive. It’s a bigger problem because it stems from a mindset that can be more difficult to overcome. It demonstrates a lack of conviction in what they are proposing or, worse, in what they do for a living. They’re not convinced they are providing genuine value. If you don’t believe in yourself at that moment, how can you expect your prospect to have conviction in your solution or your client to believe in you when you ask for a referral?

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What Not to Do in Building Lasting Client Relationships

What Not to Do in Building Lasting Client Relationships

For financial advisors, building lasting client relationships is as essential as it is challenging. There’s really no more important aspect of an advisor’s practice to ensure sustainable growth. While many advisors try to focus on facets in their practice to bring more value to the relationship, they tend to gloss over what not to do, which can have an even more significant impact on their relationships – and not in a good way.

Here are four key “what not to do’s” all advisors need to proactively convert into a priority to-do list.

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5 Advantages Young Financial Advisors Have Over Older Advisors

5 Advantages Young Financial Advisors Have Over Older Advisors

When it comes to asking people to handle their money, having a few grey hairs does bring a small advantage. People are just naturally reluctant to trust people with managing their money who are younger than their own children.

But there are some huge advantages to being a younger advisor, as well. In fact, I can tell you after decades in this business, there has never been a better time in the history of the financial services business to be coming into this business as a young advisor, or even a career changer under 40.

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Why You Need to Find a Niche Market and How to Identify One

Why You Need to Find a Niche Market and How to Identify One

The saying ‘you can’t please all the people all of the time’ is never truer than in this business. As a financial advisor you’re ill-advised to work with all and sundry – you’re far more likely to succeed if you can identify a profitable niche and become the ‘go to’ advisor in that area. Once you’re established in your target market potential clients will naturally head your way, keeping your sales funnel full.

You could base your selected niche on people you’ve enjoyed working with or those who share a similar background or interests. You could also decide to concentrate on working with people in a sector that is underserved. Here are three such niche markets you could consider.

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