The Non-Salesy Way to Finding and Attracting Your Ideal Clients

The Non-Salesy Way to Finding and Attracting Your Ideal Clients

Financial advisors’ success hinges on building trust and long-term relationships. To do that effectively, they need to target the right audience—individuals who value their expertise and require the specific services they offer.

Successful advisors know how to identify a niche that represents their ideal client. More importantly, they know how to reach out in a way that leads to a connection without resorting to pushy sales tactics. The key is to create a sustainable and repeatable process that positions you as an expert in a particular niche to the extent that they are drawn to your message.

Here are the steps to follow:

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Conducting Client Research to Boost Prospecting Results

Conducting Client Research to Boost Prospecting Results

Highly successful advisors have long determined that the traditional shotgun approach to prospecting using blast emails no longer works. They have found that prospecting with a more targeted approach, focusing more narrowly on clearly defined ideal client types based on a readily identifiable market segment or niche, increases both efficiency and results. These segments or niches are identified by demographics, businesses, careers, interests, or shared financial concerns that distinguish them from others.

We’ve written about the many advantages of niche marketing, including the more efficient use of resources, the ease of establishing one’s authority within a niche, and the built-in networking apparatus of well-connected clients residing in a niche.

However, the most significant marketing advantage is the ease of conducting research to gather intelligence about your market. Through market research, you can uncover critical information enabling you to develop more effective communication methods that appeal to your target market while honing your value proposition to touch their pain points.

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3 Ways to Boost the Promotional Power of a Marketing Resume

3 Ways to Boost the Promotional Power of a Marketing Resume

A marketing resume can be a very potent tool because it can be used in unlimited number circumstances—at networking events, canvassing businesses, social events, speaking events, or anywhere you would normally hand out business cards. But you must be thoughtful about who exactly should receive your marketing resume. If your value proposition is too broad (trying to be everything to everybody) it may not resonate with anyone because it doesn’t differentiate you.

Here are three tips on how to get the most promotional power out of your marketing resume.

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Combatting Low Fees

Combatting Low Fees

If you ever need to combat lower fees, begin by understanding what your competition is actually doing. Then form your strategy accordingly.

Listen to this audio episode or read the transcript below to learn how to de-commoditize yourself and why you need to win the value-argument instead of the fee-argument.

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Tell Prospects What You Do instead of What You Are

Tell Prospects What You Do instead of What You Are

In social settings, people will often ask what you do for a living. If, like the majority of advisors, you reply ‘I’m a financial advisor’, you’re missing an opportunity to pique others’ interest and possibly win new business.

Instead of simply sharing your job title, use this opportunity to establish your value, and give people a reason as to why they should want to work with you.

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How to Add Value to Clients’ Lives

How to Add Value to Clients’ Lives

Prospects often struggle to find the right financial advisor – in their eyes all advisors tend to look the same, sound the same and sell the same products.

Make it easy for prospects to choose you by communicating your value to them in your first meeting. And if they decide to work with you, make sure you continue to communicate your value to them as clients. If you bring the value you promised, there’s a high chance they’ll remain loyal and refer you to others.

Here are some ways to bring value to prospects and clients.

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Every Financial Advisor Needs to Tell Great Stories

Human beings have an innate desire to tell and listen to stories. Good stories grab the attention and inspire people to act, which is why storytelling should be an essential tool in your armory. If you become a great storyteller, prospects and clients will leave your office remembering both you and your message.

Stories are also a great way to help make the unfamiliar familiar – they promote the understanding of complex issues. Plus, they’re effective at creating an emotional bond between storyteller and listener.

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Believe in Your Value and Never Do These Three Things with Clients

Believe in Your Value and Never Do These Three Things with Clients

When prospecting see yourself as the professional consultant you are. Your job is of the utmost importance – you’re there to safeguard your clients’ financial future. It doesn’t get much more important than that and you are due respect.

So, if you find you’re fighting to win new clients, rushing through a presentation or apologizing for asking for the order, take a step back. Understand that you add value to your clients’ lives. Because of you people will be able to retire comfortably or get their kids through college. Your clients should feel privileged to do business with you, not the other way around.

Here are three things to avoid doing with clients.

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What Really Is The Job of a Financial Advisor?

What Really Is The Job of a Financial Advisor

To be an elite advisor you obviously need technical knowledge and expertise. But, just as importantly, you must possess superb soft skills. Your role is to change your clients’ lives for the better and you can only do this if you can effectively communicate with them. To do your job properly you need to get across to people the importance of investing, and why you are the perfect advisor to oversee their investment plan. Here are three aspects of your job as a Financial Advisor that should never be overlooked.

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