Changing Negative Perceptions and Attitudes as a Financial Advisor

Changing Negative Perceptions and Attitudes as a Financial Advisor

Most people become financial advisors because it is one of the more rewarding careers, indeed in terms of monetary rewards, but also working in the service of others to help them achieve financial security and long-term prosperity. However, many advisors struggle with aspects of their job that can lead to self-doubt, hesitation, and guilt.

These negative emotions often stem from deep-rooted perceptions and attitudes that can negatively impact client relationships and hinder professional growth. For example, for experienced advisors who become good at what they do, the job gets easier—almost too easy.

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The Fee Discussion: It’s Not the Fees That Bother Clients. It’s the Mystery Surrounding Them

The Fee Discussion: It’s Not the Fees That Bother Clients. It’s the Mystery Surrounding Them

For many advisors, discussing fees with their clients is about as comfortable as going to the dentist. They know they have to do it, but they’d much rather be doing something else. Why is that? Is it because they don’t feel their fees are justified? Are they afraid the client will balk at them? Are they concerned they will ruin the rapport they built up to that point?

It may come as a surprise to advisors, but clients expect to talk about fees. In fact, for most clients, it’s not the fees that bother them; it’s the mystery surrounding them when they don’t get the whole story. Some clients have a hard time understanding how fees work, which makes them feel uncomfortable. But they feel worse and may presume the worst when they don’t feel they’ve received all the information.

The fee discussion is a pivotal moment in the process and can set the tone for the relationship going forward. It’s also an opportunity to differentiate yourself if you do it right. That’s why it’s essential that advisors be well-prepared with a practiced presentation and the confidence to deliver it with the highest degree of transparency and professionalism.

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Do Full Service Advisors Deserve Commensurate Compensation?

Financial Advisors - Full Service Compensation

There’s probably precious little a Financial Advisor can offer that you aren’t offering. Some Advisors do taxes and some do not, but basically we all generate revenue the same way. We offer the same products and the same process at essentially the same price. It’s hard to charge more than the other guy if you are both doing the same thing.

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