5 Grave Mistakes Financial Advisors Make on LinkedIn

5 Grave Mistakes Financial Advisors Make on LinkedIn

You already know how dangerous for your business not using LinkedIn could be, don’t you? With more than 5 million affluent investors on the network, Financial Advisors cannot afford to overlook using it as a networking and prospecting tool.

But like with any aspect of your marketing, there are best practices for making the most of LinkedIn, as well as common mistakes to avoid. .

Here are five grave mistakes Financial Advisors make on LinkedIn.

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Formula for Success in Prospecting for Financial Advisors – Revealed

Formula for Success in Prospecting for Financial Advisors – Revealed

To succeed as a financial advisor, you must have plenty of prospective clients in the pipeline. Ideally your appointment book should be full to bursting. This means you need to prospect as many people as possible. However, reaching out indiscriminately is unlikely to get you many appointments or win you profitable new clients. To ensure your prospecting activity pays off you need to refine your approach and target prospects who meet your criteria and are therefore more likely to convert. Your formula for success in prospecting lies between calling everyone and being too discerning.

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What’s the Journey of the Successful Advisor Like?

The Journey of the Successful Advisor

Developing a career as a financial advisor is not for the fainthearted. There are plenty of pitfalls to look out for along the way. New advisors often lack the essential soft skills they need to hit the ground running while others embark on the journey without a clear roadmap or measurable goals to guide them.

Here’s a look at how successful advisors navigate their way to success.

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Have You Worked Out Who Your Ideal Clients Are?

Who Is Your Ideal Client

The decision to open the new account is yours as much as it is the client’s. Define your ideal client. Be selective and choose your clients with care. Elite Advisors have the ability to identify and target a demographic that works best for them. They differentiate themselves from the competition by making their skills stand out as a perfect match for prospective clients. The best way to do this is to focus, laser-like, on specific ideal client types.

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When Starting as a Financial Advisor …

When Starting as a Financial Advisor

The financial services industry is incredibly competitive and the first few years can be especially gruelling for new advisors. When you first start out you won’t have many clients or a network to get you referrals but so long as you have a plan and stick with it, you will soon make an impact. You are not going to become successful by accident.

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9 Things Successful Financial Advisors Do Differently

What Successful Financial Advisors Do Differently

Everyone can be successful; the bigger question is who is willing to do what it takes to become successful?

Average Advisors often procrastinate and find excuses for their inaction. Top performing Financial Advisors roll their sleeves up and just do what they have to do to succeed. It’s that straightforward.

Here are 9 things that ordinary Advisors do extraordinarily well to become top producers in the industry:

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Don’t Ask for Referrals. Ask for Advice

Don Connelly audio podcast

I have a suggestion for those Advisors who have a difficult time asking their clients for referrals. Ask them for their advice and/or help instead.

Explain to your clients that you like doing business with people just like them. You feel you could possibly do a better job of marketing yourself and you would like some advice.

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