Control Is Important for People Over 60

Control Is Important for People Over 60

There’s a subtlety about getting old that really concerns people and we don’t talk about it enough. That’s loss of control, loss of being able to control their lives. I know I went through it with my mother when she became too old to drive.
She was driving years before myself and my two brothers were born. To her, her driver’s license was not a privilege. It was a right. And for us to say as her children, ‘You shouldn’t be driving’, it’s loss of control. She freaked out and it infuriated her. I don’t blame her. If someone does it to me someday, I’m going to go nutty also. But we’re all afraid of losing control.
I don’t care if someone has a million dollars or $1. Rich people are poor people with money. We’ve all got the same worries about losing control of our lives and letting other people make our decisions. Listen to this audio episode or read the transcript below to learn about losing control, Frank Luntz, the pollster, and one of his books.

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Three Types of Prospects Most Likely to Object and How to Win Them Over

Three Types of Prospects Most Likely to Object and How to Win Them Over

During your career, you will meet with prospects who are ready with a reason not to invest. It’s up to you to recognize what camp they fall into objection-wise, so you can counter with the right response. Make it your aim to deal with their objections before you give your presentation.

Here are three types of prospects – and objections – to look out for.

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