How to Attract Emerging Affluent Gen Z and Young Millennials in their 20s

How to Attract Emerging Affluent Gen Z and Young Millennials in their 20s

Financial advisors with any ambitions of growing their practices in the next couple of decades can’t ignore the emergence of Gen Z as an economic force. Though the estimated $143 billion in assets held by Gen Z is dwarfed by the trillions held by millennials, Gen Z workers are expected to outearn millennials as soon as 2030. They will be more educated and more ambitious than their generational predecessors, and they will be starving for financial advice.

The challenge for financial advisors is that while even today, the members of Gen Z are looking for financial advice, most prefer to find it through social media, the internet, and their parents or friends, according to the FINRA Investor Education Foundation.

The good news for advisors is that the same study found that 71% of Gen Z investors are receptive to working with financial professionals, counting them among the most trustworthy sources of financial information, second only to their parents.

The critical issue for any financial advisor hoping to attract young clients is whether they are perceived as someone who can be trusted to serve them in the manner they expect.

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What Not to Do in Building Lasting Client Relationships

What Not to Do in Building Lasting Client Relationships

For financial advisors, building lasting client relationships is as essential as it is challenging. There’s really no more important aspect of an advisor’s practice to ensure sustainable growth. While many advisors try to focus on facets in their practice to bring more value to the relationship, they tend to gloss over what not to do, which can have an even more significant impact on their relationships – and not in a good way.

Here are four key “what not to do’s” all advisors need to proactively convert into a priority to-do list.

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5 Advantages Young Financial Advisors Have Over Older Advisors

5 Advantages Young Financial Advisors Have Over Older Advisors

When it comes to asking people to handle their money, having a few grey hairs does bring a small advantage. People are just naturally reluctant to trust people with managing their money who are younger than their own children.

But there are some huge advantages to being a younger advisor, as well. In fact, I can tell you after decades in this business, there has never been a better time in the history of the financial services business to be coming into this business as a young advisor, or even a career changer under 40.

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Best Target Markets for Financial Advisors: How to Choose The Best One for You

Best Target Markets for Financial Advisors - How to Choose The Best One for You

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ target market for advisors. A market that may be perfect for one advisor may be a poor fit for another. You need to narrow down to the best target market for you, based on your personal background, specialty, knowledge, interests, social networks and so on.

By identifying your perfect niche you’ll find it far easier to differentiate your practice and set yourself up as the ‘go-to’ expert.

If you’re struggling to identify the ‘right niche’ here are a few ways to get started.

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Why You Need to Find a Niche Market and How to Identify One

Why You Need to Find a Niche Market and How to Identify One

The saying ‘you can’t please all the people all of the time’ is never truer than in this business. As a financial advisor you’re ill-advised to work with all and sundry – you’re far more likely to succeed if you can identify a profitable niche and become the ‘go to’ advisor in that area. Once you’re established in your target market potential clients will naturally head your way, keeping your sales funnel full.

You could base your selected niche on people you’ve enjoyed working with or those who share a similar background or interests. You could also decide to concentrate on working with people in a sector that is underserved. Here are three such niche markets you could consider.

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