How to Fill Your Pipeline Despite the Coronavirus Pandemic

How to Fill Your Pipeline Despite the Coronavirus Pandemic

Back in 1998, physician and author Spencer Johnson wrote a best-selling book called “Who Moved My Cheese?” 

It’s the story of four mice who live in a maze and who have grown accustomed to cheese being deposited in the same spot every day… until one day it didn’t happen. The rest of the book explores their strategies for coping with change – both successful and unsuccessful.

The moral of the story is this: “Change happens.” It’s inevitable. Not everyone can roll with the punches, but you’ve got to adapt, improvise and overcome. You’ve got to move with the cheese.

Well, friends, the cheese just got moved!

Now, don’t get me wrong: The cheese hasn’t gone away. It’s still out there! People still want and need help managing their money. In fact, they want and need it now more than they have in years. But the way to get to the cheese is now radically different.

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Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Financial Advisor?

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Financial Advisor

Top financial advisors almost always possess the same traits and skills. Not only do they have a great work ethic and a determination to succeed, but their interpersonal skills are second to none. In particular, elite advisors ooze charisma – a charisma which they use to influence people.

In this post we’ll look at what it takes to be a Financial Advisor and some skills successful advisors share.

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Put in The Effort if You Want to Become The Most Sought-after Financial Advisor in Town

Become The Most Sought-after Financial Advisor in Town

To become a truly elite financial advisor you need to have an incredible work ethic. If you’re new to the business, you will need to spend most of your time actively prospecting and looking for clients. It could take years to build a solid client base – but when you have built up the right clientele, you will be rewarded with a pool of people who are happy and willing to provide you with referrals.

To achieve this enviable position, continually visualize yourself as a first-class advisor. Program that picture into your subconscious mind. Then work harder than any other advisor, perfect your soft skills, earn referrals and make this dream a reality.

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