How Much Value Do You Bring as a Financial Advisor?

How Much Value Do You Bring as a Financial Advisor

What determines your value is not up to you to decide. It is left for the client to decide. And that decision is a lot simpler than you might think.

When selecting an Advisor, three things are of value to a prospective client.

That person must like the Advisor, that person must trust the Advisor and that person must think the Advisor is smart. There is very little else to factor in initially.

Prospective clients generally are not looking for more information.

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How Interpersonal Relationships Lead to You Being Trusted

How Interpersonal Relationships Lead to You Being Trusted

By now you know my belief about gathering assets. If someone likes you, trusts you and thinks you are smart, you get the assets. If another Advisor ranks higher in those categories, he or she gets the assets.

Follow the Golden Rule and you will be likable. Simplify the business so that your listener can understand every word you say and you will be perceived as smart.

Do what you say you are going to do and you will earn the other person’s trust.

Like most things in life, the solution to each of these perceptions is simple. It’s not easy, but it is simple.

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