How to Create & Use Your Unique Value Proposition to Attract More Clients

An 8-Step Video Training Program with Don Connelly – Available as a Self-paced Program or in Combination with Two Individual Virtual Coaching Sessions with Don Connelly

Are you a Financial Advisor having trouble differentiating yourself from the competition? Or are you simply looking for ways to up your game and get noticed by more prospective clients? Or are you interested in retaining more clients and attracting more referrals?

If so, this 8-step program, complete with videos, resources, exercises and NOW an option for two personal coaching sessions with Don, has been designed specifically for you.

See program details and enroll – starting from $129!

If you’re serious about becoming an Elite Advisor, having a unique value proposition is a must and this program will help you create it and make the most of it for the rest of your career. Available as a self-paced training program with 8 video lessons, resources and exercises, or in combination with two 60-minute individual virtual coaching sessions with Don Connelly. Either way, you’ll have an opportunity to gain an enormous advantage over your competition. Enroll now. You can even take advantage of the ‘Pay Later’ option if you have a PayPal account and pay in 4 equal installments in the coming weeks.

Do you know what makes you stand apart from the crowd and get selected by prospective clients?

It’s not your products. Neither is it your company. It’s YOU. It’s the value you add to the relationship. It’s the solutions you offer for your clients’ problems. It’s the enthusiasm you bring every time you meet with a prospective or current client. It’s the personal connection you establish with them throughout your collaboration.

There are a lot of Financial Advisors out there. Since people have fleeting attention spans you need to establish your uniqueness in no more than two or three sentences. What do you do? Who do you serve? How are you different? What YOU need is a world-class value proposition to capture your prospective clients’ attention and to make them want you as their Advisor.

A value proposition explains your added value. It is a statement that clearly spells out the benefits of doing business with you. It tells clients and prospects how you can meet their needs. This statement makes it obvious that you are different from your competition. It answers why someone should choose you over other Advisors.

It’s hard to create a world-class value proposition. That’s why there are so few of them. What exactly do you say to convince someone to leave their existing Advisor for you? How do you sell your value? How do you tell someone in a few words why they should consider buying what you’re selling? This training program will help you answer these questions and so much more.

Enroll in this training program now. Whether you gain access to the self-paced training program or choose to take advantage of the self-paced with individual coaching, this course will guide you through the process of developing your unique value proposition and more importantly, will help you create an action plan for making the most of it for the rest of your career – to attract clients and to become the obvious choice in your town.

Here are the 8 steps in the course, each with a video lesson, a resource and an exercise, all designed to help you create and make the most of your unique value proposition:

Video Lesson 1: What is a value proposition
Resource 1: What Exactly Is Your Added Value (PDF)
Exercise 1: What is a value proposition

Video Lesson 2: Why you need a value proposition
Resource 2: Thinking Your Basic Value Is Enough Is a Commodity Trap (PDF)
Exercise 2: Why you need a value proposition

Video Lesson 3: How a Value Proposition Will Help You Grow Your Business
Resource 3: Explain Who You Help, Not What You Do (PDF)
Exercise 3: How a Value Proposition Will Help You Grow Your Business

Video Lesson 4: Define Your Uniqueness
Resource 4: Do People Go to Starbucks for the Coffee or the Experience? (PDF)
Exercise 4: Define your Uniqueness

Video Lesson 5: Writing a World-Class Value Proposition
Resource 5: How to Create a Competitive Advantage (Webinar Replay)
Exercise 5: Writing a World-Class Value Proposition

Video Lesson 6: How to Articulate Your Value Proposition
Resource 6: Position Yourself So Clients See You as Distinctly Different (Webinar Replay)
Exercise 6: How to Articulate Your Value Proposition

Video Lesson 7: Where to Include Your Value Proposition
Resource 7: Sample Marketing Resume (PDF)
Exercise 7: Where to Include Your Value Proposition

Video Lesson 8: Other Thoughts about Your Value Proposition
Resource 8: The Value Gap (PDF)
Exercise 8: Other Thoughts about Your Value Proposition

Additionally, if you chose the format WITH COACHING, you will get two individual 60-minute virtual coaching sessions with Don Connelly to receive his personal comments and critique on your unique value proposition.

If you enroll in this training course today, you will:

  • Learn what a value proposition is and what it is not
  • Understand why you need a value proposition to grow your business
  • Find out what makes you unique
  • Formulate your competitive advantage(s)
  • Write a world-class value proposition for your Financial Advisor practice
  • Learn how to articulate your value proposition to prospects and clients alike
  • Create an action plan for how to use your value proposition every day for the rest of your career to become the obvious choice in your town and get selected by prospects over your competition

What’s included in this program?

This training program is available in two formats – as a self-paced program or as a combination of self-paced training with two individual virtual coaching sessions with Don Connelly. Here’s what’s included:

Is this training program for you?

This training program is definitely for you if:

  • You are in the early stages of your Financial Advisor career and want to start it on the right foot.
  • You have many years in the business but you are looking for ways to ignite your performance and position yourself right in front of the right clients.
  • You wish to better communicate your value to prospective and current clients.
  • You want to make sure your prospective and current clients know what they are getting out of working with you.
  • You want to de-commoditize your business and be paid what you’re worth.
  • You want to create a world-class value proposition and become the obvious choice in your town.

This training program is definitely NOT for you if:

  • You are not ready to put in the effort and the hours needed to do the leg work to develop a world-class value proposition.
  • You don’t think having a value proposition would make any difference for you or your practice.
  • You think product knowledge and good timing is what matters most for the Financial Advisors’ success.
  • You don’t see any benefits and have no interest in creating a value proposition to differentiate yourself.
  • You think that product features are more important for clients than the benefits they have from working with you.
  • You think it’s the client’s problem if they don’t understand what you’re saying or what you’re doing for them.

This video training program will help you reboot your practice and take it to new heights.

You can proceed as slowly or quickly as you desire through the video lessons, resources and exercises. If you select the combination program of self-paced training with coaching, you will have the added benefit of accountability and the opportunity to interact directly with Don Connelly, one of the best minds in the business, and to receive his personal feedback and critique on your unique value proposition.

Regardless of which training format you choose, self-paced or with coaching, it will save you a ton of wasted time in research and a ton of wasted money for marketing that brings no results.

8 lessons. 8 resources. 8 exercises. And with an option for two personal coaching sessions with Don Connelly. He will help you write and implement a world-class value proposition for your practice so you can make the most of it every day for the rest of your Financial Advisor career. Stand tall, head and shoulders above your competition.

And we have a 14-day money-back guarantee!

If you start the program but it turns out it isn’t a good fit for you after progressing through two or more steps, just email us a note sharing your experience and we’ll refund your payment.

☛ Enroll now in the self-paced program for $129!


☛ Enroll in the combination program of self-paced with two 60-minute individual coaching sessions with Don Connelly for $1295!

8 video lessons, 8 resources and 8 exercises included. Two individual coaching sessions with Don Connelly (included only with the combination program). A must-take program for Advisors who are eager to define their competitive advantage, write a world-class value proposition and become the obvious choice in their town. You can even take advantage of the ‘Pay Later’ option if you have a PayPal account and pay in 4 equal installments in the coming weeks.

Don Connelly - Bio

About Don Connelly

Don Connelly’s career on Wall Street spans nearly 50 years and today he is one of the most successful speakers in the Financial Advisory industry. Don Connelly educates, entertains and motivates audiences; more importantly – he inspires financial Advisors to achieve great accomplishments through mastering the conversational tools and soft skills that allow financial professionals to communicate with their clients in a totally confident, straightforward and understandable way.

Don’s mission for financial professionals is profound, yet simple:

The more successful we become the further we get away from the basics that made us successful in the first place. Learn to do something right and then do it right every single time.

What Financial Advisors say about Don Connelly’s training

Don is an absolute master at cutting through the constant ‘noise’ that surrounds all of us, always with great humor and clarity, to focus on what is ultimately important for our long term success as advisors – the basics. No matter how much our business appears to change, his message and principles remain timeless.

Scott Cooper, CFP, CFS / Vice President, Economics concepts/Securities America Inc.

Thanks so much for what you’ve given me to get back on track — $2.5 million in new assets and possibly another $5 million in the pipeline. Back to the basics-I listen to three podcasts of yours every morning before getting ready for work. Thanks for your wisdom and common sense.

Chip Gordy, MBA, CRPC / Owner, Investment Advisor Representative, Coastal Wealth Management LLC

Don’s combination of humor and sales knowledge is an unbeatable formula for getting sales professionals to stay focused on the basics.

Steve Scherbarth / Director Wealth Management Services,
RBC Correspondent Services

The Don of forthright, practical, time tested and market proven financial advice training. Full of one liners; totally authentic. Love it.

Neil Smith / Owner, Life Risk Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand

I have to say you have been an inspiration to me over my career. I always look to your stories to life me through the bad times and keep me charged during the good ones. Keep up the good work. It works!

EJ Long / Long Financial Group, Inc.

Don, thank you for all your support over the years. You have had a major impact on the way I approach my meetings and presentations. In short…”Game Changer.

Christopher Downey / Wholesaler. Franklin Templeton Investments

In an industry that is constantly trying to reinvent itself its nice to hear someone, indeed a legend like yourself, preaching the virtues of being nice to people, earning their respect and trust, and learning as a student of the game anything and everything to help mom and dad at the kitchen table. I hope we are not the last two screaming this from the mountain top!

Hope to see you again on the road. We are lucky to have you representing all of us in financial services.

Gabe Christian Gabrielsen / President, Lightstone Capital Markets

Enroll in the self-paced program for $129 – gain access today!

Enroll in the self-paced with coaching program for $1295!

8 video lessons. 8 resources. 8 exercises. The option of two individual coaching sessions with Don Connelly. And an enormous advantage over your competition. Enroll now. You can even take advantage of the ‘Pay Later’ option if you have a PayPal account and pay in 4 equal installments in the coming weeks.

If you have previously purchased the self-paced version of this training course, please use promo code VPCoach during checkout to get a $129 CREDIT toward the program with LIVE coaching.
