Successful Selling Habits for Advisors Who Don’t Want to Sell

Successful Selling Habits for Advisors Who Don't Want to Sell

Many financial advisors resist the notion that they must be good at selling to be a successful advisor. Some go out of their way to distance themselves from the “salesperson” label. That’s fine because when you consider the totality of what quality financial advisors do, it doesn’t fit the traditional definition of “salesperson.” However, that doesn’t get around the fact that, regardless of their profession, for anyone to be successful, they must be able to sell.

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Do You Really Know Your Numbers?

Know Your Numbers - Financial Advisors Tips

Ok, you’re a great financial advisor, but are you a great businessperson? Really great people in business always know their numbers, but not just any numbers, the really important numbers!

Many people think that being a great businessperson is to be someone that is entrepreneurial, who can market and grow their clientele. While these are important aspects of running a great business, the great businessperson always focuses on the really important numbers of their business.

So, what are the REALLY IMPORTANT numbers that a financial advisor in business must know?

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