/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
As financial advisors we’re objective thinkers. We use the left, logical, side of our brains, to work out the technical aspects of financial planning. But simply being able to do the math won’t differentiate you from the competition – even robo-advisors are pretty good with interest rates and algorithms. The way to stand out is to make an emotional connection with people.
Your clients won’t make big decisions based on the numbers. They will base them on how they feel about you, using the right (emotional) part of the brain. To form a connection with clients you need to work out what it is you have to offer them on an emotional level.
Here are three suggestions to help you connect with clients emotionally.
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Best Target Markets for Financial Advisors: How to Choose The Best One for You
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
There’s no ‘one size fits all’ target market for advisors. A market that may be perfect for one advisor may be a poor fit for another. You need to narrow down to the best target market for you, based on your personal background, specialty, knowledge, interests, social networks and so on.
By identifying your perfect niche you’ll find it far easier to differentiate your practice and set yourself up as the ‘go-to’ expert.
If you’re struggling to identify the ‘right niche’ here are a few ways to get started.
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5 Reasons Why You Need to Connect with Clients on an Emotional Level
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
As an advisor you’re no doubt good with numbers; you’re an objective thinker. But to succeed in this business you also need to be able to create meaningful relationships with your clients. You need to have not only a high IQ but a high level of EQ (Emotional Intelligence).
According to a study by Harvard Business Review emotionally connected clients are more than twice as valuable to your business as ‘highly satisfied clients’.
Here are 5 reasons why rather than focusing on their financial plans you should get to know your clients on a personal level.
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How to Make The Most of Your Value Proposition
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
Too few advisors know what a value proposition is or why they need one. Others understand the importance of identifying their unique value, but don’t know how to articulate it.
This is a serious mistake, because unless a prospect understands what you do and why you do it, they’ll remain unconvinced about your worth. In fact, without a strong value proposition your business won’t even get off the ground – it’s the first step in building your financial advisory practice.
Here are some tips on creating and expressing your value proposition.
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5 Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors to Ensure Steady Growth
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
Never attempt to distinguish yourself on products or price. You won’t win using this strategy. Instead, find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering a service that goes above and beyond.
But before you can prove your worth you need to find and connect with potential clients – because they won’t find you by accident. Here are some potential marketing strategies that could help you get on their radar.
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Self-sabotage – 10 Behaviors to Avoid
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Self-sabotaging behaviors can create problems, interfere with goals and ultimately put your career at risk. Without even realizing it you could be a victim of self-sabotage. Be honest and identify the traits that are holding you back so you can make the positive changes required to move forward.
Here are ten ways you could be self-sabotaging – along with some recommendations on how to do things better.
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5 Reasons Why You Should Only Work with ‘Ideal Clients’
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
Rather than pouring all your energy into searching for any and all new clients, you should be working out how to attract your ‘ideal clients’. If you agree to work with everyone who comes your way, your business will not continue to be sustainable.
Here are five reasons why it will pay you to drill down to your target market and decide only to work with these types of people.
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How to Articulate Your Value to Prospects and Clients
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
Ours is a highly commoditized industry. Financial advisors all tend to look the same, sell the same products and talk the same language. To get noticed you need to differentiate yourself from the competition by establishing your value to prospects and clients.
First, work out what you can bring to the table that others can’t. The next step is to verbalize your unique value proposition to clients and prospects.
If you do, prospects and clients will realize why it makes perfect sense to work with you.
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You Don’t Need to Be Better – You Need to Be Different
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
As Steve Jobs said, ‘Don’t do something better, do it different’. Facebook wasn’t necessarily ‘better’ than Myspace, it was different. Netflix wasn’t ‘better’ than any other movie-rental system – it was different. Make yourself authentic and you will succeed. Find out what it is that differentiates you from the competition and communicate it to prospects and clients.
Concentrate on developing superb soft skills and you will stand out in a crowded marketplace without trying to be ‘better’ than anyone else.
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5 Reasons Why Prospects Will Hire You Over The Competition
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 1 comment
People won’t decide to do business with you because of your products, expertise, experience or reputation. These attributes (whilst important) will not ultimately convert prospects into loyal clients. Your hard skills won’t provide them with a compelling enough reason to hire you over the competition. If you want to impress prospects, you need to demonstrate that you are not only smart, but that you are likeable and trustworthy.
Here are five reasons why a prospect will hire you over the competition.
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How to Connect with Clients Emotionally
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
As financial advisors we’re objective thinkers. We use the left, logical, side of our brains, to work out the technical aspects of financial planning. But simply being able to do the math won’t differentiate you from the competition – even robo-advisors are pretty good with interest rates and algorithms. The way to stand out is to make an emotional connection with people.
Your clients won’t make big decisions based on the numbers. They will base them on how they feel about you, using the right (emotional) part of the brain. To form a connection with clients you need to work out what it is you have to offer them on an emotional level.
Here are three suggestions to help you connect with clients emotionally.
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