Five Reasons Advisors Needn’t Fear Technology

Five Reasons Advisors Needn’t Fear Technology

People are becoming increasingly adept at – and comfortable with – interacting with computers. This is fueling the debate around the merits of automated versus face-to-face financial advice. In reality, there’s no reason why both forms of communication can’t happily co-exist.

Technology can be a powerful aid to advisors when it comes to prospecting, building and maintaining relationships but it cannot replace the job of a full-service advisor. Here’s why.

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Don’t Get Left Behind – Embrace Technology Today!

Mobile Apps for Financial Advisors - Embrace Technology

Believe it or not, we are in the middle of a revolution that is changing the way we interact, make decisions and do business.

According to eMarketer, by the end of 2014 the global Smartphone audience will reach approximately 1.75 Billion users.

Have you ever wondered who these people are anyway? They are your friends, family, clients, prospects and competitor Financial Advisors.

And why do Financial Advisors embrace new technology? Being just one tap away from almost anything offers you more opportunities than ever:

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