Explaining the Nature of the Relationship (Acapulco Cliff Divers Analogy)

Explaining the Nature of the Relationship (Acapulco Cliff Divers Analogy)

“Mr. and Mrs. Client, I want to give you a word of caution in the event we experience volatility and turbulence. Investing money can and often does feel counterintuitive. There will be times when I urge you to add money to your account when the market is going down. That’s not going to feel right to you even though that’s exactly the time we should be adding to your account. It’s important that you understand why I would do that. May I tell you a story?

Watch this video or read the transcript below, adapted from the video, to learn a great story and analogy to help cement the relationship with a client.

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The Clock: A Great Sales Idea to Overcome Irrational Pessimism

The Clock: A Great Sales Idea to Overcome Irrational Pessimism

You may have heard me talk before about my good friend and successful Advisor, Mark Dick. He once said to me that ‘dividends are tangible evidence that good companies don’t use smoke and mirrors because dividend checks don’t bounce.’ That is a strong power phrase that gave me a great sales idea.

Listen to the audio episode or read the transcript below to learn what the clock sales idea and how to use it.

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Remind Your Clients Investing Is a Marathon

Remind Your Clients Investing Is a Marathon

Despite regular and sometimes frightening dips markets continue to rise incrementally over time, continually setting new highs. The problem is that many clients disbelieve this; they panic when the market temporarily falls. As their financial advisor, it’s your job to keep them on track.

You need to get them over their short-termism and make them see that their focus should be on 20, 30 or 40 years from now – not on this afternoon or next week.

Use all the tactics at your disposal to illustrate that investing is a marathon not a sprint.

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What If Clients’ Sentimental Equity Holding Doesn’t Match Their Risk Tolerance?

Don Connelly audio blog post

Today I’d like to share with you an email I received a while ago from Mike at Edward Jones. ¨What is the best way for an FA to approach a client about an equity holding that has sentimental value to the client but does not fit their risk tolerance? I have a 75-year old widow with over 50% of her net worth in Disney stock. I also have a widow who inherited her husband’s IRA at another firm. She had no idea what was in it, it was with an advisor she doesn’t know. Turns out it is 60% in aggressive investments, but she still wants to keep it there. Help.¨Listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript.

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Investing in a Bull Market

Am I oversimplifying things? - AskDON episode

This is an AskDON audio episode where Don Connelly answers Larry’s question about investing. Larry is from Texas, he’s been in the business eleven years and he is managing just a shade under $100 million.

Larry’s question was:

“The market’s been up four years, without a correction. What do you say when people comment that maybe the market’s too high?”

Click the play button to listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript below.

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How Asking Yourself WHY Would Help You Be a Better Advisor

Asking ‘why ‘can greatly increase your understanding of yourself and of those around you, both of which will make you a better advisor. Asking ‘why’ your clients do business with you can make the referral process easier. Asking ‘why’ can help motivate your clients into investing for their future. Asking ‘why’ you became a financial advisor can help you re-energize your career.

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