Four Client Retention Strategies to Try Out

Four Client Retention Strategies to Try Out

As in so many other industries, your business model as a financial advisor is to open new accounts and gather new assets on a continual basis. However, in order to succeed you need to combine this approach with a plan that ensures your clients will stick with you for the long term. You need to allocate time to both looking after existing clients as well as time to prospect. If you don’t, your current clients will feel discontented; they may start to look elsewhere, and they certainly won’t recommend you to others.

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Is Cold Calling Still an Effective Prospecting Method for Financial Advisors?

Is Cold Calling Still an Effective Prospecting Method for Financial Advisors?

Technology and the ‘no-call’ rules have changed habits when it comes to cold calling. It’s no longer seen as the ‘go-to’ method for prospecting, with social media, the internet and networking often seen as better ways to reach out to new clients. But there are good reasons why cold calling – when done correctly – is a quality tool and why it should be a necessary and permanent part of your business.

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What’s Most Important for Client Retention?

What's Most Important for Customer Retention

Client loyalty is getting harder than ever to achieve. Clients are bombarded with options when it comes to financial advice and they know they can switch to another advisor in the blink of an eye if they are dissatisfied. So it’s essential to understand how to ensure your clients remain loyal and stick with you for the long term.

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Not Following Up Is the Second Most Common Reason Advisors Get Fired

Not Following Up Is the Second Most Common Reason Advisors Get Fired

If you tell a client you will do something and then you don’t do it, you will sooner or later lose that client. Your dependability will be questioned.

Think how many times over the last six months people have told you they would do something and then failed to do it. If you do that same thing twice, even over a year or two, you will be deemed at first blush to be undependable.

That is a giant step toward being viewed as not trustworthy.

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Make Sure You Are Not Just Moving, but Moving in The Right Direction

Don Connelly Center Stage with Brian Church - Moving in the Right Direction

Brian Church, business consultant and author, was our special guest on the recent April 30, 2014 Webinar. Participants from around the globe watched and listened as Brian put forth his ideas on how Financial Advisors can and must keep their businesses, their ideas and their client relationships moving in the right direction.

We must focus on LIFT, Brian’s term for growth; bettering our delivery, making the best use of our time, and growing our revenue through thick and thin. As fees continue to get compressed, we must increase the value of what we offer to the public.

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