To Better Understand Your Client’s Goals, Listen Carefully to How They Express Them

To Better Understand Client Goals, Listen Carefully to How They Express Them

A critical aspect of advising clients is to ascertain their financial goals correctly. If you or your clients don’t genuinely understand the goal, your advice could be dangerously off base, and you could lose your client’s confidence.

Clients typically come to financial advisors with various goals, but they might articulate them in nuanced ways, reflecting their concerns, values, and life circumstances. Your role as a financial advisor is to listen carefully, ask probing questions, and translate these expressions into actionable plans created around their biggest concerns, preferences, and priorities.

Here are five common financial goals clients have and how they might express them differently:

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17 Online Resources for Financial Advisors

17 Online Resources for Financial Advisors

Although the internet is a source of both knowledge and leads for today’s Financial Advisor, there seems to be a shortage of insightful authorities on key topics in our industry. On top of that, you’ll face a steep learning curve, with constantly changing trends and best practices as you grow in your career.

To help you address a wide range of issues in your every day jobs, we’ve put together a list of websites and blogs for financial professionals.

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