Don A. Connelly is a speaker, motivator and educator for financial advisors. During a career of more than 40 years on Wall Street, he worked for nearly 19 years as company spokesperson, senior vice president and senior marketing officer for Putnam Investments, in addition to holding positions as a stock broker, financial planner, branch manager, wholesaler and national sales manager. As founder and CEO of Don Connelly 24/7, he provides timely and provocative sales ideas to thousands of financial professionals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

7 Things Many Financial Advisors Don’t Do, and Fail as a Result

7 Things Many Financial Advisors Don’t Do, and Fail as a Result

Much of the failure in this industry comes down to non-observance of the basics. Too many advisors fail not only to develop their soft skills but lack the necessary business acumen to remain viable. If you want to succeed as a financial advisor, learn from their mistakes and make sure you ‘do’ what they are ‘not doing’.

Here are some things that many advisors are not doing – but should be.

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5 Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors to Ensure Steady Growth

5 Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors to Ensure Steady Growth

Never attempt to distinguish yourself on products or price. You won’t win using this strategy. Instead, find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering a service that goes above and beyond.

But before you can prove your worth you need to find and connect with potential clients – because they won’t find you by accident. Here are some potential marketing strategies that could help you get on their radar.

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5 Creative Ways to Follow-up with a Prospect

5 Creative Ways to Follow Up with a Prospect

In an ideal world every prospect would sign up with you at the first meeting, immediately recognizing they are in need of what you are offering. In the real world however, prospects may not yet realize your value or understand that they can trust you.

Don’t leave things to chance on the basis they may get back to you. Always follow up. Make sure to call prospects and speak to them directly. You don’t have to feel that you’re trying to push products onto people who are not in the market for your services. Remember, they have indicated that they’re actively looking for a financial advisor.

People tend to get distracted easily however, so here are some additional ways to remind prospects of your worth.

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Becoming a Financial Advisor Is Not All About Getting Licensed

Becoming a Financial Advisor Is Not All About Getting Licensed

Naturally, you need to be sufficiently educated and qualified if you are to do the job of a financial advisor. But that’s not nearly enough. Financial advisors require a unique skill set that consists of not only technical knowledge and business skills but also excellent interpersonal ‘soft’ skills.

Many advisors enter the industry mistakenly believing the former skills are more important than the latter. That’s why so many advisors leave the trade in their first year – because they weren’t able to cut through the noise and attract enough clients.

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Three More Niches Financial Advisors May Want to Consider

Three More Niches Financial Advisors May Want to Consider

Many new entrants to this industry believe it makes sense to ‘cast a wide net’ in the fear that picking a target market will limit business opportunities. But in fact, this is far from the case. The most successful financial advisors are those that focus on a particular niche.

In a recent post we looked at some relatively under-represented niches that could be worthwhile considering. Here are three more to put on your radar.

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How to Help Clients Make Good Decisions

How to Help Clients Make Good Decisions

Your job is as much about managing relationships as it is about managing money. You need to establish close ties with your clients so you can become a positive influence in their lives over the long term. Unless you can steer your clients into making good decisions you not only risk losing them as clients – but you are doing them a disfavor – because you are allowing them to make potentially disastrous financial decisions.

Here are a few things you can do to influence your clients’ decisions positively.

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How People Find a Financial Advisor

How People Find a Financial Advisor

People search for financial advisors in various ways and via numerous channels. To ensure your appointment book is full, you need to identify where your potential clients are searching so you can focus your marketing efforts in these areas.

Potential clients often find a financial advisor in one (or more) of the following ways.

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5 More Questions Prospects May Ask You before Deciding to Hire You as Their Financial Advisor

5 More Questions Prospects May Ask You before Deciding to Hire You as Their Financial Advisor

Choosing a financial advisor is a big decision for potential clients, especially if they’re new to the world of investing. Not only will they be looking for someone suitably qualified, they’ll be searching for someone who shares their goals and comes across as caring and authentic.

To try and deduce whether you’re the right fit for them, they’ll undoubtedly have questions. In this follow up to a previous post, let’s look at 5 more questions you may get asked in that first meeting.

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