Don A. Connelly is a speaker, motivator and educator for financial advisors. During a career of more than 40 years on Wall Street, he worked for nearly 19 years as company spokesperson, senior vice president and senior marketing officer for Putnam Investments, in addition to holding positions as a stock broker, financial planner, branch manager, wholesaler and national sales manager. As founder and CEO of Don Connelly 24/7, he provides timely and provocative sales ideas to thousands of financial professionals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Learn to Manage Client Expectations

Learn to Manage Client Expectations

Running the business gets in the way of growing the business. That’s a fact of life in the Financial Services industry. As the business gets bigger, an Advisor has to make a decision. Am I going to manage money or am I going to manage client expectations? It’s almost impossible to manage both. In my travels, I find most elite Advisors opting for outside management. They choose to manage their clients and their clients’ expectations.

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Four Client Retention Strategies to Try Out

Four Client Retention Strategies to Try Out

As in so many other industries, your business model as a financial advisor is to open new accounts and gather new assets on a continual basis. However, in order to succeed you need to combine this approach with a plan that ensures your clients will stick with you for the long term. You need to allocate time to both looking after existing clients as well as time to prospect. If you don’t, your current clients will feel discontented; they may start to look elsewhere, and they certainly won’t recommend you to others.

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Understanding Your Clients’ Behavior Is Key to Your Success as a Financial Advisor

Understanding Your Clients’ Behavior Is Key to Your Success as a Financial Advisor

The more you understand what motivates your prospects and clients, the better your chances of success when it comes to attracting and retaining them. When you begin to see things from your clients’ and prospects’ point of view you can start to influence their decisions and help them make good financial decisions.

So break out of your own mindset. Step into their shoes: Then you will be able to build strong client relationships, anticipate your client needs and manage their expectations.

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A Blueprint for Aspiring Million Dollar Producers to Follow

A Blueprint for Aspiring Million Dollar {Producers to Follow - AskDON

A while ago I received an email from Guy Steele who is a friend and an advisor in Hawaii. He said:

“Give me an idea of how a million dollar producer works. How many calls a day do they make? How many hours a day do they work? Mentally what’s their mindset each day when they go to the office? Do you have a blueprint for aspiring million dollar producers to follow?”

Listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript below.

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Three Challenges Financial Advisors Face in Their Daily Work

Three Challenges Financial Advisors Face in Their Daily Work

A recent post on this blog outlined three challenges Advisors face when acquiring clients. This week I’ll outline three more chief challenges you are probably facing in your daily work, along with some tips on how to overcome them.

#1. Providing clients with reassurance when the markets take a downturn

Keeping clients on track when markets take a dive is a situation many advisors find tricky. But It’s essential to know how to keep clients invested for the long term.

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Never Forget that Clients and Prospects Are Real People with Real Concerns

Never Forget that Clients and Prospects Are Real People with Real Concerns

Clients and prospects are real people so the best way to reach out to them and win them over is to appeal to their humanity – not wow them with financial jargon.

People won’t warm to you simply because you know your way around the stock market. Your prospects and clients make their decisions based on whether they like you and trust you – not on your ability to make the numbers add up. People overwhelmingly tend to make decisions based on emotions rather than on hard rational thinking. So put away your graphs, numbers, pie charts and statistics and convince people to trust you rather than the numbers.

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Take Action Now if You Want to Succeed as a Financial Advisor

Take Action Now if You Want to Succeed as a Financial Advisor

Financial advisors often fail or stay at a mediocre level because they procrastinate. They don’t understand that success requires looking to the future, setting goals and working hard to achieve those goals. Instead many advisors think they can get by day by day on the bare minimum. Unfortunately, success doesn’t just ‘happen’. No matter how talented you are your star won’t rise unless you get proactive about growing your business.

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Three Major Challenges Financial Advisors Face when Acquiring Clients

Three Major Challenges Financial Advisors Face when Acquiring Clients

Pinpointing the main challenges Financial Advisors face in their daily work is a challenge in itself, considering there are so many. But here are three of the most often cited pain points – with a few tips on how to address them.

#1. Getting referrals

If like a lot of other advisors, you often find it difficult to ask for referrals it’s because asking for referrals is essentially like asking for help to grow your business. And having to ask for someone’s help feels like admitting that your business is deficient in some way. Asking for referrals also means facing up to your fear of rejection.

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Getting Back on Track

Don Connelly audio podcast

I’m often asked what I read. One of the things I read is the Motivational Manager. They once reprinted an old treatise written by Harry Joiner at called – “Before you apply for your next job”.

The title of the Motivational Manager article is simply “Disengage autopilot and take control of your career”. I think it’s really important for advisors to hear this.

It goes on to say that Harry Joiner was an executive recruiter. He meets about a hundred and fifty candidates a week and 90% of those professionals share the same failing – they’re clueless.

He said that most are well educated, and some may even be considered accomplished.

But they have a blind spot where their long-term career vision should be.

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