Don A. Connelly is a speaker, motivator and educator for financial advisors. During a career of more than 40 years on Wall Street, he worked for nearly 19 years as company spokesperson, senior vice president and senior marketing officer for Putnam Investments, in addition to holding positions as a stock broker, financial planner, branch manager, wholesaler and national sales manager. As founder and CEO of Don Connelly 24/7, he provides timely and provocative sales ideas to thousands of financial professionals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Stand Apart from the Crowd

Distinctly Different - Ya Gotta Stand Out CD

I have a friend who is married to one of America’s most successful professional golfers. My friend is a golf pro, but a teaching pro. He is also his wife’s coach. He knows her game so well that he can watch her on television during the day and give her his advice that night. He is a consummate pro.

One day he and I were discussing the golf swing, specifically my lousy swing. He asked me if …

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There Are Only Three Objections You Will Ever Get

Overcoming Objections - There are only three objections you will ever get

Generally speaking, there are only three objections you will ever hear: I don’t have any money, I already have an Advisor and a third catch-all category we’ll call “I’m not interested.” Obviously, there are many more objections, such as “I can get it cheaper elsewhere.” But those specific objections fall into the catch-all category. Telling you that a discount house is cheaper than you is a way of someone saying he or she is not interested.

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Are You a Professional Listener?

Professional Listener - Are You Listening

Most people never listen, period. That includes my doctor, my handyman and the last car salesman I visited. I can only hope that air traffic controllers listen.

Why is listening so difficult? Why is listening so important? Do people who listen do better than people who don’t listen? Can you become a great listener?

All are rhetorical questions and all are worth exploring.

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Two Things Never Change for Financial Advisors

Financial Advisors - Focus on Twi Things

As a Financial Advisor, you share a common concern with the wholesalers who call on you. You don’t control your distribution and they don’t control theirs. You can’t force your clients to act any more than a wholesaler can force you to act. As well, neither you nor the wholesaler has control over the landscape. Most of what affects how and what you do is in some else’s hand, be it the stock market, the economy or interest rates. And most of what affects you is in a constant state of change.

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Two Questions to Add to Your Repertoire

Success as a Financial Advisor Is Easy to Explain, but Difficult to Replicate

Effective communication is all about asking the right questions. I want to suggest two questions to ask your clients, two questions you might not be currently asking. It’s very important that you know what you are doing right, so that you can do more of it. Explain to your clients, new and old, that you are not on an ego trip but…

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