Maintaining Meaningful Relationships Is Hard but Essential Work
As a financial advisor you need a wide range of skills, not least the ability to prospect and win new business. However, another area of expertise – and one...
As a financial advisor you need a wide range of skills, not least the ability to prospect and win new business. However, another area of expertise – and one...
In our increasingly information-driven society, it’s your job to teach clients not to believe all they hear. They need you most of all when they’re being bombarded with negative...
Client relationships are the cornerstone of your business. They must be strong enough to weather bad market conditions and to ensure clients stay invested for the long term. Here are...
It’s your job as a financial advisor to stop your clients acting on emotion. You need to get across the fact that the financial plan you created is valid...
Before a client makes the decision to do business with you he or she has to feel you are the ‘right fit’ for them. They’re about to embark on...
If you don’t know what’s going on in a client’s mind when they’re choosing a financial advisor, you won’t be able to present yourself in a way that meets...
Your ultimate success depends on your ability to create and maintain long-term relationships – relationships that are built on trust. If you want clients to trust you, they need...
Don’t constantly strive for perfection. You will never achieve it. It will simply waste your energy and make you miserable. Instead, focus on what is achievable. Sharpen your best skills...
Outstanding advisors possess sustainability; they have the ability to overcome mental and emotional obstacles in a way that average advisors can’t. Simply passing the relevant exams won’t help you...
Sticking with the plan despite tough market conditions is the greatest challenge both you and your clients will face. That sudden drop in cabin pressure when the markets fall...