/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
This is an AskDON audio episode where Don Connelly answers Larry’s question about investing. Larry is from Texas, he’s been in the business eleven years and he is managing just a shade under $100 million.
Larry’s question was:
“The market’s been up four years, without a correction. What do you say when people comment that maybe the market’s too high?”
Click the play button to listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript below.
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In this category you will find blog posts with tips and shared wisdom about investing. Some posts are from Don Connelly’s experience in general and others are prompted by real-life people questions to Don.
What If Clients’ Sentimental Equity Holding Doesn’t Match Their Risk Tolerance?
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom, Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
Today I’d like to share with you an email I received a while ago from Mike at Edward Jones. ¨What is the best way for an FA to approach a client about an equity holding that has sentimental value to the client but does not fit their risk tolerance? I have a 75-year old widow with over 50% of her net worth in Disney stock. I also have a widow who inherited her husband’s IRA at another firm. She had no idea what was in it, it was with an advisor she doesn’t know. Turns out it is 60% in aggressive investments, but she still wants to keep it there. Help.¨Listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript.
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Investing, Self-awareness and Tolerance to Risk
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
Before you can embark on any financial plan on behalf of a client it’s essential that you understand their tolerance for risk. You must also know what their goals are, ensure they are achievable and keep them committed to the plan for the long term.
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3 Analogies on Long-Term Investing to Use with Clients
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Today, I’d like to talk about the long term. You know that I like visuals; I like props; I like things that talk in mom-and-dad language. So I’ll share three analogies you can use with prospects and clients to help them commit to the long-term nature of investing.
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Investing in a Bull Market
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
This is an AskDON audio episode where Don Connelly answers Larry’s question about investing. Larry is from Texas, he’s been in the business eleven years and he is managing just a shade under $100 million.
Larry’s question was:
“The market’s been up four years, without a correction. What do you say when people comment that maybe the market’s too high?”
Click the play button to listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript below.
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How to Explain to Prospects They Should Invest Now
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
As you know better than I, clients are always looking for a more convenient time to invest. There’s always something to do – like buy a new car, redo the home, whatever it is.
The time to invest is now – we can’t put it off.
* This podcast originally appeared on Don Connelly 24/7. Click the play button or read the transcript below.
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Why It’s Good News that Investments Go Up and Down
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
*This is a podcast originally posted on Don Connelly 24/7 learning center*
Mr. and Mrs. Client, on your way to meeting your goals, your investments will go up and down in value. Now I understand everyone’s game plan is to buy something that goes up. That’s about the extent of the plan. The reality is investments go up and down in value.
What we have to realize is volatility is not risk. Volatility is volatility.
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Always Remember Your Clients’ Reasons to Invest
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
Failing to understand a client’s goals and objectives ranks highly when it comes to why financial advisors get fired. So it pays to remember that your client’s reasons to invest are the same as they’ve always been: they want to generate more cash in the future, whether it’s to send the kids to college, or to retire on a yacht in the Caribbean.
Your clients want to educate their children and build a retirement fund. That’s generally it.
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31 Motivational Quotes to Drive Financial Success
/ by Kirti Anand Sharma / Connelly Corner, Investing Wisdom / 2 comments
A Financial Advisor’s job is not just limited to giving the right advice. It also involves challenges like: motivating investors to act and managing client behavior throughout the investment cycle to keep them from distractions caused by the market fluctuations.
Sometimes your attempts to satisfy clients or convince prospects to trust your financial plans may seem ineffective, making it difficult to keep the conversation alive and positive. Have you thought that in such cases all you might need is an ice-breaker?
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Why Waiting for a Pullback is Not the Right Investing Strategy
/ by Don Connelly / Don Guest Authoring at..., Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
According to a preponderance of clients, the stock market is overbought. They’re going to invest, but not until the pullback takes place. What’s an advisor to do?
First, it’s not “the” pullback we’re talking about. It’s “a” pullback.
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Why Your Clients and Prospects Need You
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom / 0 comments
Let’s talk some more about Mr. and Mrs. Client and why they need to invest now and with you. The whole discussion of commissions and fees is not about the question ‘what your commission is’; it’s ‘why should I pay a commission? Do I need to pay a commission or a fee when I can do this on my own? Why should I have a financial advisor?’
So when somebody says “What are your commissions? What are your fees?” I’d say “Let’s discuss the real question here, which is: do you need an advisor?”
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