Developing a Business Process for Your Advisory Business

Developing a Business Process for Your Advisory Business

Advisors embarking on the challenge of growing an advisory business understand that the key to sustainable growth is to be able to specialize in their core business of business development and client management. However, with that growth comes increasingly complex operations in all facets of the business, which can consume resources and hinder growth.

Smaller advisory businesses are disadvantaged by the lack of scale and resources, so they must rely on clearly defined, repeatable, and well-documented business processes to optimize their resources.

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Why It’s Critical to Have a Well-Conceived, Repeatable Advisor Onboarding Process

Why It's Critical to Have a Well-Conceived, Repeatable Advisor Onboarding Process

It is well-established in the financial advisory industry that the client onboarding process is crucial to building profitable, long-term relationships. When done poorly, you’ll likely see clients heading for the exits leaving you with thinning profit margins and a tarnished reputation. For the same reasons, onboarding advisors is equally critical for financial advisors looking to […]

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7 Things Many Financial Advisors Don’t Do, and Fail as a Result

7 Things Many Financial Advisors Don’t Do, and Fail as a Result

Much of the failure in this industry comes down to non-observance of the basics. Too many advisors fail not only to develop their soft skills but lack the necessary business acumen to remain viable. If you want to succeed as a financial advisor, learn from their mistakes and make sure you ‘do’ what they are ‘not doing’.

Here are some things that many advisors are not doing – but should be.

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What Are Repeatable Processes and Why Do You Need Them?

What Are Repeatable Processes and Why Do You Need Them?

Repeatable processes are processes that can be followed day in, day out. The task of developing repeatable processes may appear time-consuming (even mundane), but it’s essential if you are to grow your business.

Just as the setting and the following of daily routines helps in everyday life, successful advisors know that by creating consistent repeatable processes they’ll build up a competitive advantage that’s hard to beat.

Here’s why you should be incorporating repeatable processes into your business model.

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How to Develop a Repeatable Process

How to Develop a Repeatable Process

If you want to make your life easier and become a truly elite advisor, make sure you have repeatable processes in place. This especially applies to tasks such as prospecting, presenting, following up and servicing your accounts. Remember: Repeatable processes produce repeatable results so make your goal consistency, not perfection.

In this post we’ll look at some practical steps you can take to incorporate repeatable processes into your working life.

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A Blueprint for Aspiring Million Dollar Producers to Follow

A Blueprint for Aspiring Million Dollar {Producers to Follow - AskDON

A while ago I received an email from Guy Steele who is a friend and an advisor in Hawaii. He said:

“Give me an idea of how a million dollar producer works. How many calls a day do they make? How many hours a day do they work? Mentally what’s their mindset each day when they go to the office? Do you have a blueprint for aspiring million dollar producers to follow?”

Listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript below.

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5 Reasons to Develop a Repeatable Process

5 Reasons to Develop a Repeatable Process

It’s essential to develop consistent patterns of behavior if you are going to build a successful business. By continually changing direction and trying different things every quarter you won’t be able to hit your goals or measure the results of your progress. Without a measure of consistency you won’t become accountable and you’ll fail to win your clients’ trust or get them to invest with you for the long term.

Check out these 5 reasons you should develop repeatable processes.

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Top 5 Reasons Advisors Fail

Top 5 Reasons Advisors Fail

It may come as a surprise to learn that financial advisors don’t generally fail because of the numbers. They do so because of poor ‘soft’ skills. Being unable to manage a business competently or provide top notch customer service are more likely to get you fired than an inability to get returns on investment.

If you want to succeed as a financial advisor you need to stand out in a highly commoditized industry – which means not being guilty of the following:

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