Creating Your Financial Advisor Marketing Plan

Creating Your Financial Advisor Marketing Plan

The biggest growth challenge for financial advisors is finding qualified leads. But before that can happen, advisors must be able to attract enough of the right people who might become qualified leads. That’s what marketing does for you. It doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It can’t happen by aimlessly wandering around. Most advisors have enough trouble managing their time between being an advisor, running their practice, and prospecting. What’s needed is a marketing plan.

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Self-sabotage – 10 Behaviors to Avoid

Self-sabotage – 10 Behaviors to Avoid

Self-sabotaging behaviors can create problems, interfere with goals and ultimately put your career at risk. Without even realizing it you could be a victim of self-sabotage. Be honest and identify the traits that are holding you back so you can make the positive changes required to move forward.

Here are ten ways you could be self-sabotaging – along with some recommendations on how to do things better.

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Take Charge of Your Own Destiny if You Want to Be a Successful Advisor

Take Charge of Your Own Destiny if You Want to Be a Successful Advisor

If you want to succeed as a financial advisor you need to understand that you, and you alone, are in control of your career. Your future success relies on the choices you make, so take control without delay.

Take some time out to analyze your current practice and identify areas requiring improvement. Commit to change and to getting better at the basics. Change your mindset to re-inforce the idea that you are doing things out of choice rather than necessity.

Take note of Maya Angelou’s words of wisdom: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

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How Consistency Will Help You Become an Elite Advisor

The behavior of elite Advisors is consistent. They come up with good ideas and they stick with them. They do something for a long enough time to know if it works. That’s precisely why what they do is so easily measurable.

This type of behavior is mandatory for those who wish to build a business in a dependable manner.

It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of average Advisors because their behavior is less consistent. We might try seminars this quarter and if we don’t see results in ninety days, we’ll try a referral campaign. If that doesn’t work next quarter, we’ll try something else. We don’t do something for a long enough time to measure results. Without clearly delineated goals, accountability becomes elusive.

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Your Goal Today Is to Get an Appointment

Your Goal Today Is to Get an Appointment

What’s so magical about having goals? It’s not so much that we don’t achieve them. It’s that we too often conveniently forget we even have them. With or without goals, we still go in and chip away day after day. Not having goals is not going to cause us to skip a day. I work hard with or without goals. What’s the big deal?

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