Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors – How Social Media Can Generate Leads

Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors – How Social Media Can Generate Leads

Financial advisors know how difficult it is to make contact with high-net-worth people through phone calls and emails. However, when they reach out to connect with the same people via LinkedIn or Twitter, they are often welcomed with open arms. From there, they simply become part of the conversation, which opens the opportunity to build relationships.

By actively participating in popular social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you automatically expand your online presence while building social capital. At the very minimum, your participation provides social proof to your target market that you exist and that you might actually have something of value to offer.

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5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors to Attract New Clients

5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors to Attract New Clients

The biggest issue most Financial Advisors face is attracting a steady stream of new clients. In a post-pandemic world that could be even more difficult with seminars and networking events out of the question for a long time to come.

Here are five creative marketing ideas Financial Advisors can use to attract new clients without breaking the bank.

Remember to run any promotional or marketing activity by your compliance department before making any steps toward detailed planning or execution.

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How People Find a Financial Advisor

How People Find a Financial Advisor

People search for financial advisors in various ways and via numerous channels. To ensure your appointment book is full, you need to identify where your potential clients are searching so you can focus your marketing efforts in these areas.

Potential clients often find a financial advisor in one (or more) of the following ways.

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Five Reasons Advisors Needn’t Fear Technology

Five Reasons Advisors Needn’t Fear Technology

People are becoming increasingly adept at – and comfortable with – interacting with computers. This is fueling the debate around the merits of automated versus face-to-face financial advice. In reality, there’s no reason why both forms of communication can’t happily co-exist.

Technology can be a powerful aid to advisors when it comes to prospecting, building and maintaining relationships but it cannot replace the job of a full-service advisor. Here’s why.

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5 Grave Mistakes Financial Advisors Make on LinkedIn

5 Grave Mistakes Financial Advisors Make on LinkedIn

You already know how dangerous for your business not using LinkedIn could be, don’t you? With more than 5 million affluent investors on the network, Financial Advisors cannot afford to overlook using it as a networking and prospecting tool.

But like with any aspect of your marketing, there are best practices for making the most of LinkedIn, as well as common mistakes to avoid. .

Here are five grave mistakes Financial Advisors make on LinkedIn.

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Why Focus on Bringing Your Prospecting Skills Up a Notch

Why Focus on Bringing Your Prospecting Skills Up a Notch in 2016

The raw truth about our business is that nothing happens without an appointment. You may be the greatest or the smartest advisor in the world, but if you don’t have enough appointments your business will suffer. If you don’t meet enough people, your business will suffer. If you are not a good prospector, your business will suffer.
Check out several posts that continuously received the most positive feedback from our readers this year – coincidentally, they are all about prospecting!

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How Financial Advisors Can Use LinkedIn for Prospecting – Part 2

How Financial Advisors Can Use LinkedIn for Prospecting – Part 2

Last month we published the first of a series of blog posts to help Financial Advisors use LinkedIn for prospecting. It covered the following topics:

What makes LinkedIn such a powerful tool for Financial Advisors.
How Financial Advisors can create a compelling LinkedIn profile.
How Advisors can establish a powerful network of 1st and 2nd degree connections on this professional network.
Today’s post will give a few advanced tips for Financial Advisors to prospect through LinkedIn, with a focus on three key areas:

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How Financial Advisors Can Use LinkedIn for Prospecting – Part 1

How Financial Advisors Can Use LinkedIn for Prospecting – Part 1

You probably know by now that social media is an integral part of the 2015 digital marketing trends for financial advisors. What you may not know just yet is that LinkedIn has proved to be one of the most effective prospecting tools for Advisors.

Here are some interesting statistics to help you understand why LinkedIn is so important for you as a Financial Advisor:

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