5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors to Attract New Clients

5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors to Attract New ClientsThe biggest issue most Financial Advisors face is attracting a steady stream of new clients. In a post-pandemic world that could be even more difficult with seminars and networking events out of the question for a long time to come.

Here are five creative marketing ideas Financial Advisors can use to attract new clients without breaking the bank.

Remember to run any promotional or marketing activity by your compliance department before making any steps toward detailed planning or execution.

#1. Give away branded face masks

Face masks look like they are here to stay for quite sometime. Local Governments are imposing different rules that may make it mandatory to wear masks in certain places for the foreseeable future. Some people wear them because they have to, others prefer to, but either way providing clients and prospective clients with a face mask featuring your logo could go a long way in keeping your name top of mind.  Keep it subtle though. Nobody wants to wear a billboard!

#2. Join in on weekly hashtag themes

Many more people have taken to social media and people are spending a lot more time scrolling through LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with all of this new found free-time they have working from home. Using this to your advantage and becoming highly present on social media can do wonders for generating new leads.

One great way to get an engaged audience is to join in on weekly hashtag themes – for example, #MondayMotivation, #ThrowbackThursday, and others that fit your business or personality better. Mind that you can even create your own hashtag and help people get to know you or your firm better through social engagement.

If you need help improving your communication skills and connecting with people on an emotional level, get the mp3, Mastering Client Relationships: What Elite Advisors Do.

#3. Optimize your email signature

Email communication is a big part of our day. Having a great email signature with a call to action is a simple, yet very effective way to get people to interact with you more. Make sure to at least have the following:

  • Full name and position
  • Logo
  • Any financial accreditations
  • A link to your website
  • If you use LinkedIn for prospecting, definitely include a link to your profile there.

And don’t forget to get your compliance department approval before implementing your new creative email signature!

#4. Be a guest on podcast shows

Podcasts have increased in popularity over the last few years, and people are listening to podcasts now more than ever. Most podcasts owners would be happy if you reach out to them and suggest a topic of conversation – after all this saves them work!

This is a free way to get your name and expertise out there, while staying on brand. Once you have the podcast, it is easy to then share it on your social media profiles, and attach it to your website to build your authority and establish trust with potential clients.

If you’ve been a Financial Advisor for five years or less and are looking for ways to kick-start your practice, check out our video training program, Become Brilliant at the Basics: What They Don’t Teach You in Training. 24 lessons, 24 exercises, a survivor’s manual and an enormous head-start on your competition.

#5. Develop your Centers of Influence

Now is a great time to focus on developing your ‘centers of influence’ with tax or Estate Planning Attorneys, accountants and CPA’s. ALL of your clients need a Will. All should consider having a Living Trust so their assets will bypass probate. They’ll need Beneficiary designations, a Durable power of Attorney, a Health Care Directive, and possibly Guardianship Designations. So, it is essential that you develop a working relationship with a few Attorney specialists that you can confidently refer clients to – and they should feel confident to refer clients to you as well.

This means they need to understand your Wealth Management and Service model and buy into it before they will refer clients to you – the same as you need to buy into their service model.  But beyond these typical Centers of Influence, be creative. Consider Developing relationships with any company who offers a service your clients might use. For example, if you send your clients a ‘thank you’ bottle of wine or food basket, work with a high-end market that would be able to refer clients to you as well. Your ‘marketing strategy’ will determine the businesses you will promote who in turn can promote you.

Marketing doesn’t have to be stressful, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. You are your business’s biggest asset – use it to your advantage! Use these creative marketing ideas for Financial Advisors and reach out new prospective clients through places and people you know they already appreciate.

If you need help honing your soft skills and igniting your performance, try Don Connelly 24/7 for a month and see how we’ll help take your business to the next level!

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  • Elias Lopez /

    Very helpful tips on how to market financial advisors. One thing to add is creating a blog and providing some free insights and basics. By creating content and educating people on why they need a financial advisors or how they can help, you open the door for more clients to be comfortable and curious to hire you.

    • Thanks for the positive feedback, Elias, and for the addition – running a blog is indeed a great way to add value to potential and current clients. Thanks for reading! ~Diana

  • Suzain /

    Great ideas for wealth advisors to stand out! The branded face masks are a clever touch, especially in today’s environment. Offering a free consultation is another strong strategy to build trust and attract new clients.

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