In this blog category you will find blog posts packed with stories, analogies, power phrases and how to use them to better your practice and to become a successful financial advisor.

5 Dos of Developing Good Storytelling Skills

5 Dos of Developing Good Storytelling Skills

The ability to tell interesting stories is an essential skill for all advisors. Stories are an effective way of letting people get to know the real you, and they’re also useful when it comes to educating clients.

Few of us are born natural raconteurs – but if you commit to developing your skills and practising them regularly, over time you can become a great storyteller.

Here are 5 best practices when it comes to developing good storytelling skills.

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Making Your Service Memorable

Make Your Service Memorable

Let’s talk about outstanding service. That’s the rare commodity in this country. Americans have forgotten what good service is. People around the world have forgotten what good service is. And I’m telling you, if you want to outperform the competition, don’t have just good service, make your service memorable; service people will talk about.

Listen to the audio or read the transcript below to learn Don’s thoughts on memorable service.

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6 Analogies to Use When Convincing Clients to Stick to The Plan

Stories and analogies are great ways to capture a client’s attention and get them to see things from a different perspective. When used correctly they’re highly useful tools to help persuade clients to act in the way you want them to. Analogies are especially effective because clients come to understand what you’re saying by drawing their own conclusions.

Here are six great analogies to help your clients see that they should stick to the plan.

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Every Financial Advisor Needs to Tell Great Stories

Human beings have an innate desire to tell and listen to stories. Good stories grab the attention and inspire people to act, which is why storytelling should be an essential tool in your armory. If you become a great storyteller, prospects and clients will leave your office remembering both you and your message.

Stories are also a great way to help make the unfamiliar familiar – they promote the understanding of complex issues. Plus, they’re effective at creating an emotional bond between storyteller and listener.

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5 Stories to Develop Strong Relationships with Clients Based on Trust and Likeability

5 Stories to Develop Strong Relationships with Clients Based on Trust and Likeability

The best way to initiate a strong relationship with clients is to tell them stories. People don’t need to have a ton of data thrown at them in the first meeting. They will be more interested in whether they like and trust you. Forget the numbers and pie charts, and use your personal stories and experiences to help you establish trust and likeability in the minds of your prospects. Here are five such stories to get you started.

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How to Make Sure Your Message Sticks

How to Make Sure Your Message Sticks

We tend to forget most of what we’ve been told within a week, unless that message has been repeatedly reinforced. So, unless you reinforce your messages and deliver them in an interesting way, there’s little chance clients and prospects will digest your information and act on it. There are however some key ways to make sure your messages are understood and remembered.

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What Makes a Story Good?

What Makes a Good Story

“Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever”. This ancient Native American proverb still resonates today.

Everyone loves a good story. Good stories can captivate, teach, and persuade people to act, making them an excellent way to communicate with prospects and clients.

In this post we’ll look at how to create great stories and inspire listeners to take action.

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A Story to Use When Discussing Your Fees & Commissions

The Springfield Story - Discussing Fees and Commissions

There are times when prospective clients are going to focus on your fees or your commissions. I want to talk about that, because it’s no one’s goal to offer the cheapest possible financial advice. That’s just not the way it goes.

So when someone talks to you about commissions or fees, I want you to tell them the Springfield story.

Watch the video or read the transcript below to hear the full story.

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