Do You Deserve Referrals?

Photo by Ambro |
Everybody wants referrals, but only those who are referable get them.
What does it really mean to be referable?
It means more than being competent at your job. It means more than being great at what you do. It means more than being viewed as a commodity. It means being the kind of person everybody wants to be like. It means being the kind of person who seems to know and get along with everybody. It means being the kind of person people want to be proud to have as a friend and proud to introduce to others. We all know someone just like that, a person who seems to have no enemies, only friends. What is it about that person? Why do they seem so referable? How do they network so effortlessly?
According to my friend Marvin Brown, who is never wrong, people like that genuinely like other people.
They have a great sense of curiosity. They are not self-conscious or self-centered. They are not afraid to look foolish by asking a question. They are generous. They are always asking people how they can help them. They pay attention to details. They never forget names. They go out of their way to make new people feel comfortable. They put people at ease by establishing rapport. They are positive and never complain. They bring abundance into other people’s lives.
If you liked this post, check out the webinar replay Be a Lean, Mean Referral Machine – available for purchase in our store, free for Professional and Platinum members of DonConnelly247 learning center.