A Message for All Financial Advisors Struggling to Make It

A Message for All Financial Advisors - Nothing Happens Without an Appointment

Photo by Stuart Miles | FreeDigitalPhotos.net

We can debate this subject all day long, but it always comes down to one reason.  The reason Advisors fail is that they don’t see enough people.  Blame it on self-sabotage, blame it on a lack of initiative or blame it any of a hundred other reasons, but Advisors make their living knee-to-knee.  If we’re not sitting in front of folks, we are unemployed.

The takeaway here is that nothing happens without an appointment.

Our focus has to be our next appointment.  To generate and maintain that focus entails having the right attitude.

One of the sections in ‘Tools of the Trade’ library on Don Connelly 24/7 is dedicated to helping you hone your prospecting skills. ► Watch the introduction video.

We have to believe in ourselves and our ability to survive.  We have to be positive and believe that setbacks are temporary.  I’m smart, I know my stuff and I can help anyone who will see me.  I am not going to put the phone down until I get that appointment.  This week, my goal is to line up four appointments.  I am likeable, I am trustworthy and people enjoy being around me.

It’s about confidence, brains and people skills.

I know you have those attributes.  You wouldn’t have gotten hired otherwise.  Don’t worry about gathering $100 million in assets.  Don’t worry about opening accounts with one hundred millionaires.  Just get an appointment.  If you can get an appointment and then another one and then another one, things will take care of themselves.

My Canadian friend Mark has some great advice for new Advisors who are struggling.

In the first three years, focus on opening accounts with three hundred households.  Don’t worry about whether they are flipping burgers for $12/hour or making $400,000 per year as a dentist.  Just get the clients and then demographics will take over.  Out of 300 households, your phone will ring every week.  People will die, inherit money, change jobs or sell their businesses.  Three hundred households investing $300/month equals $90,000 per month total.  That equals $1 million per year coming in.  That’s a great base upon which to build.

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4 1/2 hour recording – what Elite Advisors do that average Advisors don’t do



  • Ronnie Reyes /

    You hit the nail on the head! Indeed, nothing happens without an appointment.

    • Hi, Ronnie – nice to see you’re reading Don’s blog as well! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week, filled with appointments 🙂 ~Diana

  • Jolize Gous /

    This is my new year aim. I will have to do more prospecting. Even if it is hard to do. Thanx for the valuable information.

  • Don /

    Thank you, Joliize. Remember, it not important how many people you know. What is important is how many people know you. Make it a goal to meet someone new every day. Tell them what you do for a living. “Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese Proverb

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