How Many Referrals Do You Give to People Who Call on You?

Do you give referrals to people who call on you and how many

Let’s discuss three issues. The first issue is reflected in the title. But let’s amend the question to read, ‘How many referrals have you given or will you give unless a friend asks you for one?’ The second issue is this: When is the last time you hired someone to do anything for you unless you got that person by asking someone for a name?

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Don’t Ask for Referrals. Ask for Advice

Don Connelly audio podcast

I have a suggestion for those Advisors who have a difficult time asking their clients for referrals. Ask them for their advice and/or help instead.

Explain to your clients that you like doing business with people just like them. You feel you could possibly do a better job of marketing yourself and you would like some advice.

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How Valuable Are You?

How Valuable Are You to Your Clients

Doing your job, even doing it well, will not set you apart. You will stand apart when you are known for doing more than is expected of you. Every Advisor’s wish is to be highly valued by his or her clients. How, then, do we make the relationship valuable in the eyes of the client?

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