/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Allow me another movie reference because it’s crucial for the point I want to make. If you haven’t seen the movie, Oh God! or if you haven’t seen it in a while, I encourage you to track it down. The film is excellent – funny, full of life’s lessons and a joy to watch. But it’s the last ten minutes that is worth 100 times your time and effort in trying to find it.
You remember the story: Jerry Landers, an assistant manager of a supermarket played by John Denver, is convinced he has visits from God, played brilliantly by George Burns, who asks him to take on some worldly responsibilities.
Now, imagine telling your spouse, friends, and co-workers that you’ve spent a few hours talking with God, and you describe him as Jerry did, as a short, old man wearing sneakers, a fishing hat, and smoking a cigar. That his wife threw him out, his friends ostracized him, and his boss fired him shouldn’t surprise anyone.
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Want to Get Out of a Rut? Focus on Becoming Exceptional
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
We can all remember when we first became financial advisors, feeling like we could conquer the world. With our entire careers in front of us, we were excited, motivated, and ready to commit everything we had to become successful. The great thing about starting out as an advisor was that there was never a dull moment. Everything was new, and we thrived on the daily challenges of learning how to build a successful practice.
Flash forward a few years, and time seems to slow down. The hours don’t fly by as they once did, and the pace of change has slowed to a crawl. That’s when you know you’re in a rut, which can be agonizing for someone who once braved the many obstacles that lay in front of all new financial advisors. For financial advisors, being in a rut can seem like dying a slow death.
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Authenticity: The Key to a Favorable First Impression
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship, Presentation Skills / 0 comments
No doubt you’ve heard the old axiom, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” And it’s tough to fix a bad first impression, especially in a world where some clients are predisposed to not trusting financial advisors. That’s a high hurdle to overcome when first meeting potential clients who may be looking for any reason to walk away.
You’ve probably also heard that the human brain processes information about a person’s face and mannerisms within a matter of seconds, leading to a quick conclusion about their abilities. The hurdle just got higher.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you’ve been in the business. Potential clients instinctively weigh and measure you, not by your expertise, capabilities, or knowledge, but by how much they think they like you. They’re looking for someone they can trust, and most people can’t trust someone they don’t like.
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Why You Matter: Embracing the Difference Financial Advisors Make in People’s Lives
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Allow me another movie reference because it’s crucial for the point I want to make. If you haven’t seen the movie, Oh God! or if you haven’t seen it in a while, I encourage you to track it down. The film is excellent – funny, full of life’s lessons and a joy to watch. But it’s the last ten minutes that is worth 100 times your time and effort in trying to find it.
You remember the story: Jerry Landers, an assistant manager of a supermarket played by John Denver, is convinced he has visits from God, played brilliantly by George Burns, who asks him to take on some worldly responsibilities.
Now, imagine telling your spouse, friends, and co-workers that you’ve spent a few hours talking with God, and you describe him as Jerry did, as a short, old man wearing sneakers, a fishing hat, and smoking a cigar. That his wife threw him out, his friends ostracized him, and his boss fired him shouldn’t surprise anyone.
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What Is Outstanding Work Ethic and How Financial Advisors Can Develop It?
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
Let’s face it, not everyone is cut out to be a financial advisor for many reasons, but one of the top reasons is a “lack of work ethic.” Having a good work ethic is a bare minimum requirement for any serious consideration of a career as a financial advisor. For any chance at succeeding, financial advisors must have command of their time and their ability to multi-task, driven by a “can do” attitude.
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7 Qualities Financial Advisors Must Have to Achieve Their Goals
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
What do successful financial advisors do that unsuccessful or even adequate advisors don’t, won’t, or can’t do? I could list several things here, but it all starts with setting clearly defined goals—and then achieving them. But, while the vast majority of advisors understand the importance of setting goals—actually writing them down—and having a plan to achieve them, fewer manage to achieve them. As a result, they never raise the bar for themselves, gradually slipping into mediocracy.
The failure to achieve goals can be attributed to a number of things—i.e., the goals are unrealistic or too vague; not having or strictly following a plan; not being accountable for your goals, to name just a few. While these are identifiable reasons for not achieving goals, they are more of an expected outcome for advisors who lack the vital qualities to carry them to success. You can have the most incredible work ethic, but if you’re not setting and achieving your goals, it’s like a rudderless motorboat spinning around in a lake.
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How to Choose Your Specialty as a Financial Advisor
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices / 0 comments
The financial services market is becoming more complex and more complex every day. Everybody needs a focus. And those with focused practices are better able to serve their clients. None of us can be all things to all people so it’s important to specialize in the kind of advice you give.
But do you know how to choose your specialty as a Financial Advisor?
There are two key considerations – both equally important: Your market, and your passions.
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Why You Need a ‘Why I Am Here’ Story
/ by Don Connelly / Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
We all know that everyone likes a good story, a fact that’s backed up by science. When we hear a story that resonates with us, our levels of the ‘feel good’ hormone oxytocin rises. This motivates us to work with others and has a positive impact on our social behavior.
Stories can also help to build connections and create empathy with prospects and clients.
So, it’s no surprise that story form is great for illustrating to prospects that you are there for the right reasons – that you’re not in this business simply to make money but to add value to people’s lives.
Here are a few ways developing a ‘Why I Am Here’ story will help you grow your business.
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7 Things You Can Do for Clients to Show That You Care
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship / 0 comments
If you are to be a successful financial advisor, you need to do more than simply manage money. You need to be great at managing relationships – in particular, you need to show your clients that you truly care about them.
If you care more than people expect you to care not only will clients remain loyal to you, but they’ll feel comfortable about referring you to friends, family and colleagues.
Here are 7 ways to show you care.
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5 Reasons Why Prospects Will Hire You Over The Competition
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 1 comment
People won’t decide to do business with you because of your products, expertise, experience or reputation. These attributes (whilst important) will not ultimately convert prospects into loyal clients. Your hard skills won’t provide them with a compelling enough reason to hire you over the competition. If you want to impress prospects, you need to demonstrate that you are not only smart, but that you are likeable and trustworthy.
Here are five reasons why a prospect will hire you over the competition.
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The 7 Essential Traits of Successful Financial Advisors
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices, What's New / 0 comments
On our February 24, 2015 webinar, our special guest was Dave Hubbard, President and owner of Exemplar Financial Network. Over the past thirty years, Dave has built a thriving firm of more than one hundred Advisors. But Dave is far more than a successful Advisor and business owner. He is also an acclaimed coach who has helped hundreds of Financial Advisors fulfill their potential.
The title of this particular webinar was ‘The Seven Essential Traits of Successful Advisors.’ Dave enumerated and elaborated upon the most common shared qualities among the successful Advisors he knows.
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