What’s New on Don Connelly 24/7 in June | Don Connelly & Associates

What’s New on Don Connelly 24/7 in June

What's New Don Connelly 247 June 2014This is the latest post in our blog series “What’s New on Don Connelly 24/7“. As usual, we recap new video and audio podcasts, Weekly Focus issues, the Monthly Newsletter, and other premium content recently released on the Don Connelly 24/7 learning center. But this time, we also have a time-limited offer – for members and non-members alike. Read on!

What’s new on Don Connelly 24/7 in June

Remember, the links provided in this blog post will redirect you to content which is accessible only to Professional and PLATINUM members of Don Connelly 24/7. Non-members can still see what topics Don discusses, what questions he answers, what issues he is helping solve through the learning center. In order to see all the details and podcasts, please log in to your accountIf you are not a member yet, register here make sure you read this post to the end to get the details of the time- limited offer and discount on your PLATINUM membership!

New Podcasts

Don’s Monthly Newsletter for June – Is It Necessary to Compete on Price?

I read more and more articles that insist the old ways are dead.  Doing a good job is no longer enough.  It’s a Walmart world.  Adjust your pricing in order to remain competitive.  Adapt or die.

That argument only holds water in a mediocre world where value doesn’t matter, where consumers have been trained to focus only on price.  Let me remind you that high quality and low prices are mutually exclusive.  Do you honestly believe that Walmart can slash prices without sacrificing quality?  Walmart would like you to believe that.  So would discount brokerage firms.

Do you remember your favorite pair of jeans that lasted for years?  What happened?  Do you honestly believe that by moving production overseas to the land of cheap labor Levi was able to maintain that old-fashioned quality?  Do you honestly believe that a $6.00 toaster is durable?  Do you honestly believe that boilerplate financial plans offered for free on the internet are any good?  Of course you don’t.

The monthly newsletter is available in written as well as audio format.

The AskDON episode which goes with the Monthly Newsletter is titled “Make Your Commissions Worth It” and can be found on the Monthly Newsletter page, both written and audio versions.

Don’s Weekly Focus

Each Wednesday Don sends our premium members a Weekly Focus email containing:

  • one idea, tip, or insight for the week
  • one of Don’s brief but dynamic video/audio podcasts
  • one easily implemented Action Plan

During the month of June, we sent out and posted 4 Weekly Focus issues, as follows:

June 25 – A strong referral is the best way to move forward
June 18 – Let the sifting begin
June 11 – Just Do It
June 4 – Take a Tip from a Pro

And finally, our time-limited offer – Go PLATINUM and save $50!

If you become a PLATINUM member with DON CONNELLY 24/7 before July 4th, you can save $50 on your annual membership. Use coupon code PLATSP199subscribe here!

If you are unsure, check out the PLATINUM membership benefits – but hurry up, the offer ends in a few days!


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