/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
Cold calling is often discounted by advisors because they are wary of the compliance rules, and because it tends to have a low success ratio. The ‘Do Not Call’ list makes it difficult as does an inherent skepticism that permeates our society. However, cold calling can be a valid prospecting tool, especially for those new to the business.
Why is it still worth the effort? Because lots of people are unhappy with their current advisors but don’t want to rock the boat. A phone call out of the blue from a professional, likeable advisor could be just the thing to get them to take action.
There are people out there who want to talk to you: You just have to find them.
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In the Prospecting blog category you will find blog posts about prospecting. Don’s tips would include but may not limited to prospecting for new clients, leaning on your clients, researching for clients, how to ask for referrals, and more.
Put Rejection in Perspective
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
A while back I was kicking around ideas with a friend of mine, Mark Jennings. Mark’s an advisor with Investors Group. He told me a great story that will help you put rejection in perspective.
Listen to the audio or read the transcript to learn the story and takeaway message.
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How to Get Prospects Off The Fence
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
When a prospect turns around and says he or she needs to think things over they’re likely basing their indecision on fear or laziness. Maybe they’re fearful about the shaky economy, distrustful about paying you a fee, or just simply don’t want to leave their comfort zone. All their ‘reasons’, however, are based on emotion – and to break this inertia, you need to use techniques that will motivate them to act.
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How to Make The Most of Cold Calling
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
Cold calling is often discounted by advisors because they are wary of the compliance rules, and because it tends to have a low success ratio. The ‘Do Not Call’ list makes it difficult as does an inherent skepticism that permeates our society. However, cold calling can be a valid prospecting tool, especially for those new to the business.
Why is it still worth the effort? Because lots of people are unhappy with their current advisors but don’t want to rock the boat. A phone call out of the blue from a professional, likeable advisor could be just the thing to get them to take action.
There are people out there who want to talk to you: You just have to find them.
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An Idea on Getting Referrals and Thanking Clients
/ by Don Connelly / Managing the Relationship, Prospecting / 0 comments
I have a friend who every year has a dinner for those clients who gave him a referral that became a new account during the year.
Watch the video below or read the transcript to learn the details about the referral dinner concept.
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Recognize When It’s Time to Move On
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
Prospecting is the backbone of your business. It’s the one task you cannot delegate, since people need to like and trust you personally if they are to do business with you. So you should be constantly perfecting your soft skills in order to connect with and win new clients.
Inevitably however despite all your best efforts, you will fail to win influence with certain prospects. And it can be hard giving up on them – especially if you believe there’s even the tiniest chance of them converting.
There is a fine line between giving up too quickly and not knowing when to give up.
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6 Steps to Help Create Urgency with Prospects
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
Creating urgency with prospects is a crucial yet often overwhelming obstacle for many advisors. The problem is how to get prospects to act, rather than deliberate and how to react when a prospect says ‘I’ll get back to you’ or ‘I need to think about it’. It’s essential to have a strategy in place for getting prospects off the fence – otherwise your business will go nowhere. Here are some practical ways you can help initiate this process.
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Approaching Strangers Can Only Change Your Practice for The Better
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
You were probably brought up being told ‘don’t talk to strangers’. However, this rule doesn’t apply to adults, especially if you work as a financial advisor. Many advisors struggle with ‘cold’ approaching and prospecting, because it makes them feel anxious and fearful. However, unless you conquer this fear you will not be able to take your business to the next level. People are voice-activated. They are not going to talk to you. You’ve got to talk to them.
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Creating Urgency with Prospects
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 1 comment
I can recall few times in my career when business has been as slow as it has been recently. Perhaps the slowdown is due to the fast approaching year-end. Certainly, the pending Presidential election has a lot to do with it, as does the recent DOL running. Clients and Advisors alike have adopted a wait-and-see attitude. But there also are more traditional reasons at work.
People don’t enjoy the prospect of saving for a rainy day. There’s always a reason to delay investing, and never a ‘right’ time to make the move.
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How to Be a Better Prospector
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
To succeed in this competitive industry, you need to be creative when it comes to acquiring new clients. No one universal approach is likely to be your Holy Grail when it comes to prospecting. Instead, you will need to adopt a number of prospecting approaches and learn, through trial and error, which work best for you. Once you’ve found a method you’re good at, you’re likely to enjoy finding clients that way, boosting your job satisfaction as well as your ability to attract new clients. Here are a few prospecting approaches to try.
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Formula for Success in Prospecting for Financial Advisors – Revealed
/ by Don Connelly / Prospecting / 0 comments
To succeed as a financial advisor, you must have plenty of prospective clients in the pipeline. Ideally your appointment book should be full to bursting. This means you need to prospect as many people as possible. However, reaching out indiscriminately is unlikely to get you many appointments or win you profitable new clients. To ensure your prospecting activity pays off you need to refine your approach and target prospects who meet your criteria and are therefore more likely to convert. Your formula for success in prospecting lies between calling everyone and being too discerning.
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