Become Brilliant at the Basics training program - featured image

Become Brilliant at The Basics: What They Don’t Teach You in Training – Training Course

(2 customer reviews)


This is a 24-step program, complete with videos and exercises and even group LIVE coaching, designed for both newer Financial Advisors who are looking to kick-start their practices as well as seasoned Advisors who are stuck at their level because they have strayed away from the basics that made them successful in the first place!

If you’re serious about becoming an Elite Advisor, this is THE training course you cannot afford to miss. You can take advantage of the ‘Pay Later’ option if you have a PayPal account and pay in 4 equal installments in the coming weeks.



Become Brilliant at The Basics – What They Don’t Teach You in Training

A 24-step training course, complete with videos and exercises – available as a self-paced program (always open) and as a 12-week coaching program, featuring LIVE group coaching sessions with Don Connelly (open only a couple of times a year) – an opportunity for you to gain an enormous advantage over your competition.

So many advisors leave the trade in their first few years because they weren’t able to cut through the noise and attract enough clients. Other Advisors suffer from stagnated growth over the years. Don’t let either of those things to happen to you!

This training course will give you the know-how to beat the 80% failure rate in our industry.

Whether you gain access to the self-paced training program today (always open) or choose to take advantage of the next 12-week coaching program (open a couple of times a year, limited to 15 Advisors at a time), this course will walk you through the process of developing the verbal competence, attitude and soft skills needed to attract and maintain clients. Developing these powerful skills and techniques will help you to educate, inspire and influence people into making smart decisions.

Here are the 24 steps in the course, each with a video lesson and an exercise, all designed to help you build and keep momentum:

☛ Intro LIVE Coaching Session (not available with self-paced course)
#1. Nothing Happens without an Appointment
#2. Focus on Your Most Valuable Activity
#3. How to Develop a Simple Marketing Plan
#4. The True Value Underlying Your Fees
#5. Ask for The Order
#6. Create a Repeatable Process
☛ LIVE Coaching Session (not available with self-paced course)
#7. It’s All About Your Added Value
#8. Master the Basics
#9. Never Underestimate Yourself
#10. Focus on Your Soft Skills
#11. Become a professional listener
#12. You Must Answer the Proper Question
☛ LIVE Coaching Session (not available with self-paced course)

#13. Be Distinctly Different
#14. Become a Client Advocate
#15. Care More Than People Expect You to Care
#16. Sell Yourself in The First Meeting
#17. Communicating as Intended Is Vital to Your Success
#18. The Most Important Story You Will Ever Tell
☛ LIVE Coaching Session (not available with self-paced course)
#19. Three Analogies to Use in Volatile Markets
#20. Three Analogies for Explaining the Role of The Financial Advisor
#21. The Crystal Ball Story
#22. How to Give a Formal Presentation
#23. How to Overcome Objections
#24. What Exactly Is a Value Proposition
☛ Closing LIVE Coaching Session (not available with self-paced course)

Click here to get the full training course curriculum in pdf format.

If you enroll in this training course today, you will:

  • Become brilliant at the basics – basics that ensure you achieve great success in this business.
  • Develop and hone the most important habits you must adopt in order to survive and hopefully thrive in a competitive and challenging industry.
  • Develop a confidence that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.
  • Get in the habit of doing the right things and learn to overcome self-sabotage.
  • Learn how to stay focused on what’s important and do what’s needed – how to get an appointment, how to ask for commitment, how to sell yourself in the first meeting, how to overcome objections, to name a few.
  • Learn how to market yourself properly.
  • Develop certain qualities prospects and clients look for in their Advisor – including likeability, trustworthiness and authenticity.
  • Learn how to keep it simple by using stories and analogies that make the unfamiliar familiar.
  • Learn what to say and how to say it to confidently educate, inspire and influence prospects and clients into action.

This training course includes:

  • 24 video lessons – each lesson is between two and five minutes and is action oriented.
  • 24 exercises – each exercise follows a video lesson and is designed to help you put into practice all you have learned during that specific video lesson. Additional resources are provided with some of the exercises that you can further explore if you wish.
  • A downloadable Exercise Guide – it contains all 24 exercises and is designed to not only use it during the course, but also revisit and refine your answers in it through the years as your business evolves.
  • 3 section tests – included in the self-paced program format, to help you stay accountable and track your progress.
  • 5 LIVE coaching session – included in the 12-week coaching program format, to help you further refine your knowledge and improve your business by interacting with Don Connelly directly and learning from your fellow Advisors who are enrolled in the same coaching program at the same time.
  • A weekly reminder to help you build and keep momentum when progressing through the program.
  • A certificate of completion – available for download upon completion of all video lessons and exercises in the training program.

Here’s how this training course works.

If you enroll in the self-paced course

Within 24 hours of order completion you will receive via email your log in credentials – the email address you used to place the order and a randomly set password.

Please add to the safe contacts list in your email so that our messages don’t get stuck in your junk/spam folder.

This self-paced training format of the course is always open – you can enroll at any time and you can go through it as quickly or as slowly as you wish.

Although the course is self-paced, we recommend that you watch the video lessons and complete the exercises in order (#1-#24) to progress through the program.

To build and keep momentum, we recommend covering at least 1 video lesson and 1 exercise per week. To help keep you on track we’ll send you a weekly email reminder with the next video and exercise you ought to cover. To keep you accountable, we’ve also included 3 section tests to help you self-assess your progress and how well you’re mastering the content in this training course.

Once you complete all 24 video lessons and exercises, you’ll be able to download a certificate for completion.

Enroll in the self-paced program – gain access today for $149! You can take advantage of the ‘Pay Later’ option if you have a PayPal account and pay in 4 equal installments in the coming weeks.

If you enroll in the 12-week coaching program

Within 24 hours of order completion you will receive via email details about the course, dates and procedure of attending the intro LIVE coaching session and further instructions on accessing the content when the 12-week coaching program starts.

Please add to the safe contacts list in your email so that our messages don’t get stuck in your junk/spam folder.

This 12-week coaching program format is open only a couple of times a year. The seats are limited to 15 Advisors at a time so that Don Connelly can give personal attention and mentoring to each participant during the LIVE group coaching sessions.

We kick it off with a LIVE intro coaching session to walk you through the training platform and address any preliminary questions you may have.

This program has been designed for you to watch three videos and to complete three exercises each week for two consecutive weeks. Every third week there will be a LIVE coaching session with Don Connelly instead of videos and exercises to complete. During the LIVE coaching sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any additional questions about the videos or exercises you have completed during the previous two weeks.

Although the course is self-paced and you can watch the video lessons and do the exercises in any order you like, we recommend sticking to the order set in the platform (#1-#24) to progress through the program. Furthermore, to build and keep momentum, and to ensure everyone is on the same page for our LIVE coaching sessions with Don Connelly every third week, we recommend covering 3 video lessons and 3 exercises per week.

To help keep you on track every Monday during this 12-week program we’ll send you a weekly email reminder with the next videos and exercises to cover during the week, or every third week – with a LIVE coaching session reminder for that week.

Once you complete all 24 video lessons and exercises, you’ll be able to download a certificate of completion in the training platform.

Attendance to the LIVE coaching sessions is recommended so you can actively engage with Don and other Advisors, and to make the most of the 12-week coaching program. The sessions will be recorded and you will receive a replay via email, regardless of your attendance or engagement.

Click here to get notified when the next 12-week coaching program opens for registration. Seats are limited to 15 Advisors.

And we have a 14-day money-back guarantee!

If you start the course but it turns out it isn’t a good fit for you after watching a couple of video lessons and doing a couple of exercises, just drop us a note sharing your experience and we’ll refund your payment.

This video training course will change the way you view your practice.

Regardless of which training format you choose, self-paced or with group coaching, there is no other video training of its kind available. It will save you a ton of wasted time in trial and error, and ensure you stay in business and achieve great success.

24 lessons. 24 exercises. 3 section tests or 5 LIVE coaching sessions to keep you accountable and track your progress. A survivor’s manual. And an enormous head-start on your competition.

If you’re ready to kick-start your practice, enroll today for $149 in the self-paced program or fill in the form below to get notified when the next 12-week coaching program opens for registration – seats are limited to 15 Advisors, only a few seats left.

Fill in the form below to get notified when the next 12-week coaching program with Don Connelly opens registration or to get in touch if you want to enroll your entire team of Advisors separately.

    5.00 out of 5

    2 reviews for Become Brilliant at The Basics: What They Don’t Teach You in Training – Training Course

    1. Blake Linklater


      5 out of 5

      For any advisors, this is a great program. I’m about 70% of the way done, and my business has been simplified and I am in the process of making it more systematic. Furthermore, as a result of this program and stuff I’ve learned it has helped me open 4 new accounts, build trust faster and be more authentic.

    2. Dan Long


      5 out of 5

      I took the most recent Don Connelly 12 week live course. Had a great experience, Don is the master of story telling and he makes it very simple to understand. We had a smaller group making it very easy to have some dialogue and give everyone personal feedback. I would recommend for advisors at any level to master the basics.

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